Pollensa has been basking in a mini-heat wave this week with the highest temperatures to be found on the island. On Thursday it was the hottest place on Mallorca with a top temperature of 33.3 degrees Centigrade, according to the Palma Met Office. On Wednesday it registered a top temperature, again the highest on the island, of 30 degrees Centigrade.

According to the Met Office the high temperatures will continue throughout the weekend proving that the summer season is not over just yet with beach weather being forecast.

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For tourists and residents alike the good weather "up north" is an added bonus. Even when the south of Mallorca was hit by near torrential rains on Tuesday Pollensa posted the top temperature of 28 degrees Centigrade.

A Met Office spokesperson said: " temperatures are cooling down at the moment but there is still plenty of sun around."

The good weather is an unexpected bonus for late season holidaymakers. The Hoteliers Federation has said that the majority of hotels will remain open until the end of next month.