user Juan | over 2 years ago

Well why don't you cry about it Jimbo? "Leftie snowflake", good god listen to yourself with your tired and infantile old buzzwords you lot desperately use when criticised on your ramblings. Sort it out child.

user James | over 2 years ago

Juan has been triggered. He's definitely a leftie snowflake.

user Juan | over 2 years ago

"... Boris knows everything there is to know about Covid..." I think your senses have departed for the Easter festivities. You poor, poor soul.

user Juan | over 2 years ago

No Paul, they prevent it. Not wanting to wear them doesn't mean they didn't / don't stop the spread. Furthermore it is beyond comical, those who continuously refer to the minority of ulterior motive fuelled "reports", stating masks are ineffective whilst blatantly ignoring the vast undesputable poof that they obviously do - not to mention common sense?

user Paul | over 2 years ago

Masks do not stop the virus spreading. The science has told us that. Boris an Nicola know everything there is to know about covid. Hence, they have carried on living a normal life while telling us to mask up, social distance and stay away from our families! They have always known the majority of people are safe!!!

user Juan | over 2 years ago

James- It hardly sounds like anyone is "crying", about anything apart from yourself! Whinging about doing something so simple as wearing a little mask in the middle of a pandemic, really should not warrant such a big silly song and dance from the general public - whether or not they are simple enough to refuse see the obvious advantages or otherwise. Rich- Explain what you believe to be a "Doomsayer", if you would? Surely these people who monotonously prattle on about Government control / Agenda bla bla bla / End of humanity waffle waffle are the same ilk as those who are against the simple act of wearing masks in the first place?

user Juan | over 2 years ago

Explain what you believe the word "doomsayer", means Rich?

user Juan | over 2 years ago

It doesn't sound like anyone is being a "crybaby", apart from yourself now does it James! Well you can all thankfully stop your crying and whinging over having to do something so basic and menial, as finally the mask mandates are starting to be relaxed everywhere. Whether you are honesty that simple enough to still not comprehend how masks prevent the spread of a disease in the middle of a pandemic or not, is now irrelevant.

user Nigel | over 2 years ago

Well spoken James. I contacted Covid within a day arriving on the island from UK last month, and I had to wear a mask! Not amused, but that is life, and we hopefully move on. No one seems to confront the makers of this virus, and the politicos have used it to control. Time to open ones eyes, and destroy the "fear mongers".

user James | over 2 years ago

I reckon there's a lot of people who actually believe masks make a difference and have connected with them psychologically to ease there anxiety of a virus that you have very little chance of dying of, vaccinated or not. That's disturbing from a mental point of view. And come Wednesday these people will be locking themselves indoors. That is what the last 2 years has done to some people. Just another condition to add to the long list of collateral damages effecting society. But it was all worth it right?? Masking kids, putting them in sheep pens at school, locking people in there houses, people losing there minds, jobs, houses. For something that killed on average 82 year olds. I wait for the Corona Karen's to pipe up. Cry baby Juan, Angry Fred, Moaning Morgan. I'm still waiting to see from these so called experts any scientific data that masks make any difference. Especially if it's not the FFP mask. I've heard plenty of experts in there field say they don't work. But your not going to hear that come from your TV idiot box.