user Stephen | over 2 years ago

We arrived end of Nov 2020. At the time there was no guarantee of achieving residency as the Spanish were concerned about a UK threat to break a previous agreement. We achieved residencia in Apr 2021 and were not permitted to change our UK licenses. I took the Spanish test and it was much more straightforward than many seem to believe.

Stephen G Stephen | over 2 years ago

Jim, if you arrived in 2020 the process should have been straightforward. Ours was.

user Nigel | over 2 years ago

Fly back to UK and get an international licence, problem solved. I find it odd that if people who wanted full residency, have not integrated with the country and it's laws when they decided to leave their country of birth.

user Jim | over 2 years ago

Regardless of the Brexit agreement and being here since 2020 we are still waiting for our residency, without that we can't change our driving license. So it's not always the fault of people coming to Spain but the stupid why the authorities deal with things.

Robert Dixon Robert | over 2 years ago

"People can't get appointments to change over or sit Spanish driving tests!" Yup, that is what I am hearing. But also hearing that if you have started the process of transferring but not been able to complete because of difficulty in getting appointments, then as long as you have the evidence paperwork the Police will not take action against you.

Stephen G Stephen | over 2 years ago

The process to transfer the licence started during 2020 and was very straightforward. The easiest piece of Spanish bureaucracy that I have encountered while living here. No problem with appointments and Spanish licence was posted out to my home address within 4 weeks.

John Paterson John | over 2 years ago

If you read the original column post it's plain to see what the problem is. Then answer the comments. People can't get appointments to change over or sit Spanish driving tests!!!

John Paterson John | over 2 years ago

If you read the original column post it's plain to see what the problem is. Then answer the comments.

Morgan Williams Morgan | over 2 years ago

Because until now, Brits were able to be resident without being resident. All the benefits, none of the burdens. Now.. to be resident, Brits must actually do stuff to become resident. Like pay taxes and get a drivers licence. And that sucks. Good job they stopped foreigners from living under the radar in England. But Spain is just punishing innocent Brits.

user Ulla | over 2 years ago

If you are resident in a country, what is the problem to change it? Some countries demand you change it after 6 months and obviously Spain follow that rule. I can not understand why you need to keep your UK licence, if you live permanently in another country, and on top UK is not part of EU any longer. Give me a reason why that is such an issue for British?