Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | about 1 year ago

Go to any driving school and ask. The only thing they'll want is a NIE and residence card. There's plenty of international ones who will do everything in English. Because you waited, the 6 months may have expired, and you *might* get caught out by driving on your British licence, but that's nobody's fault but your own.

user Martyn O'Rourke | about 1 year ago

Morgan WilliamsRead the Embassy Website. We are into our 9th month of the driving ban. We arrived in Dec 2020, residency 3 months later. Too late to register with DGT. Did our Solicitor tell us, no. Tax resident, but still banned. Check your facts mate.

Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | about 1 year ago

Martyn O'RourkeYes, we know how the tabloid headlines read. But to this day, nobody has been able to identify any such ban on Brits or anybody else. There is no such ban. Full stop. There are however, a small number of Brits who've been living full time in Spain for quite some time, who never bothered to get a Spanish licence. But they always could and still can. They just didn't bother. And that's what all the fury and outrage is about.

user Martyn O'Rourke | about 1 year ago

So as a resident, they will also be banned from driving after 6 months like thousands of us already here! Sounds like a reason to avoid Spain!

user Sara | about 1 year ago

Ulla JacksonActually Madrid is more comfortable in summer than here as it’s a dry heat so much more bearable. And in winter it’s more comfortable too as you don’t get the humidity of Balearics (or Barcelona). Having lived for many years in all three places I speak from experience. I also think that both Madrid and Barcelona will be more appealing to most people of working age, especially younger people, than here. There’s far more going on and easier access to other parts of Spain.

Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | about 1 year ago predicted. Stick with me 😎

user Peter Perfect | about 1 year ago

Morgan WilliamsWhat people are trying to point out to you is the fact that these nomads will get better deals than people who were born and live in Spain, jeez.

Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | about 1 year ago

Stan The ManLegal residency is the whole point of it. You legally live and work here, pay taxes, etc.. Like normal people (which some will no doubt characterise as unfair) The 90 day tourist limit therefore doesn't apply. You're a resident, not a tourist.

user Ulla Jackson | about 1 year ago

Zoltan TeglasYes it's as Spanish Government initiative, but honest how do you know the majority will go to these places you mentioned, especially Madrid with sveltering heat in summer and cold in the winter. There are no restrictionists where they can settle, and as Mallorca is a popular place, I would not be surprise to see more of Nomads here. But you can always hope they won't come, as you normally object to foreign people who are not residents.

user Peter Perfect | about 1 year ago

Morgan WilliamsYou have a way of writing a lot and saying nothing.