Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | about 1 year ago

Stephen GrimmerYou can in the autocratic world they (unwittingly) long for. They can even arrest you for saying stuff that annoys them. But unfortunately, that also applies to those who wish for it.

Stephen Grimmer Stephen Grimmer | about 1 year ago

DAVID GRAHAMDavid, you can't just fine people who annoy you, much as you might like to, they actually have to break some law or statute.

user DAVID GRAHAM | about 1 year ago

Where were the boats sailed from? Agreed, Es Trenc would be a better anchor area as no population? Doubt the boats would be self skippered? Probably a case of couldn’t give a toss as no one is gonna do anything about the racket made…. Target the boat owners with a fine

user Ulla Jackson | about 1 year ago

Interesting, sometimes the authorities are in charge and make quick decisions, usually saying no to all suggestions, other times like this, suddenly absolutely noone is in charge, no the mayor, not the police and not Guardia civil. They all sit on the fence. My impression of private companies are coming on time, know their business but the government seems to be totally disorganised, having complicated routines and noone seems to take full responsibility, unless they can make excessive money out of it.

Robert MacDonald Robert MacDonald | about 1 year ago

DAVID GRAHAMTourists. If I was a gambling man I would probably link it to the triathalon that was being held. Probably letting off steam. Yes inconsiderate but not a second Magaluff by any means!

user David Holland | about 1 year ago

Zoltan TeglasGreat idea. I really hate excess noise. There’s no need for it. I remember when the regulators said no noise auditable outside the premises. I wish I had fiver for every time I have been shaken out of bed at midnight from Santa ponsa noise. Across the bay and around the headlands.

Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | about 1 year ago

DAVID GRAHAMEither way, it's doubtful any of them were either staying at or from CSJ. They're on boats. And CSJ is not quite punta ballena 🙄 Es Trenc is a popular beach to anchor on though.

user Zoltan Teglas | about 1 year ago

DAVID GRAHAMTourists according to the local press.

user Zoltan Teglas | about 1 year ago

Local boat owners should take their boats en masse and blast opera ,Motorhead or whatever, right next to these party boats - they will soon move on

user David Holland | about 1 year ago

DAVID GRAHAMEither way loud music noise from boats has been an issue for years. But at least it’s upmarket noise. Not the neds from Magaluf or playa de Palma