user Richard Pearson | 11 months ago

It’s a good thing all you negative voters weren’t around when an Austrian painter wanted to have a bash at running the country.

user Richard Pearson | 11 months ago

Ulla JacksonCloser to home, and according to the latest news, two Algerian coast guards have shot dead two Morrocan tourists who strayed into their waters on jet skis. Seems pretty effective to me and will most probably solve, if there was one, the problem of illegals entering the country.

user Richard Pearson | 11 months ago

Ulla JacksonNo, I don’t understand why refugees aren’t heading towards Russia’s and China’s borders. You obviously do . Please explain. I have said it before and will say it again. Australia HAVE found a solution to this problem, and no, it’s not beacause they are in the middle of nowhere as I pointed out to you previously. The USA and Canada could put an immediate stop to illegals entering the country if there was a political agreement backing the decision. Unfortunately the Democrat party in the USA and the Liberal Party in Canada both believe that multiculturism is good for their respective countries and even better for potential votes.for their parties. Merkel and Blair made the same mistake over here and we are now paying the consequences and will be for centuries to come.

user Ulla Jackson | 11 months ago

Richard PearsonIf you don't understand why the illgeals are not heading to Russia or China, what's the point of continuing writing? I don't, nor do I believe you or anyone else, can find a solution of this problem. Or maybe you can inform me why the US can't stop illegal immigrants either. Bad manners, is not a debating point. Just trying for me to take your bait.Sometimes Mr. Pearson, comments are sometimes better be left alone. It's not a debate for the sake of it. I have no more to say on this subject. I hope you are able to respect that.

Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | 11 months ago

David HollandESTA didn't fully work at first either, and it caught many by surprise (including me). Boarding a flight from Madrid to Washington Dulles, they asked for my ESTA number. "What? What is ESTA?". "Can't board without it. But it's easy. Here's the link..." So I did and had my ESTA number in about 5 minutes. Ok, all good. Boarded and flew to DC. The EU has promised a 6 month grace period to ensure people know about it, and to work out any bugs. In other words, if you don't have it in the first 6 months, you'll likely still get in. Besides, registering should only take a few minutes (if you're not flagged for some dubious historical record). Macron doesn't want it to affect the Olympics, where the incoming traffic will be extremely high and subject to problems. Especially since the objective is long term, not just for this year or next. It will be permanent. So, guarantee you'll get it right ...before the Olympics... or do it after. I think that's a reasonable ask. Nonetheless, I seriously doubt it will impact tourism. Maybe for Brits, who are constantly being told they'll have to suffer some sort of intolerable gauntlet designed specifically to punish them for no apparent reason. But that's their problem if they believe that. Go to Turkey then, and vote for Christmas.

user Richard Pearson | 11 months ago

Ulla JacksonYes, I expected a reply to my question about Australia made twice to you in two different posts. Ignoring a reasonable question once is possibly acceptable, but twice is either bad manners or just proving that you don’t know the answer. You will recall that you told us that it is impossible to stop the flow of illegal immigrants into western nations. I disputed that statement with a reasonable argument and asked you to back up yours with facts or at least an alternative opinion. That’s the problem with today’s society.. The art of debate has been lost and substituted by an unwillingness to listen and try and understand other people’s opinions and arguing your point of view if you don’t agree with them. Instead you just cancel them, as you have so eloquently proven. Good luck.

user Ulla Jackson | 11 months ago

David HollandAs this will have a 3 year validity, one can hope, just hope, that not all wait until last minute i.e. just before school holidays, and then if course will blame the system that the EU systems can't cope.

user David Holland | 11 months ago

IcerolyukThe USA system works. The European launch has been delayed 3 times due to technical difficulties. Macron is so confident? he wants introduction after the the Paris Olympics.

user David Holland | 11 months ago

Morgan Williams18% of business negligible . It’s very unlikely the U.K. has an economic meltdown. There’s other nations under stress before the U.K. The Brits holiday love affair continues with the Balearics after 60 years. Not because it’s cheaper than anywhere else quite the contrary . It’s familiar and easy to get to. Articles like this have been posted widely in the U.K. , USA, Japan, Anz…. So people are waiting for a date to apply to visit Europe. There’s been three delays now . I’m visiting friends in Berlin in December so have not been wanting to be caught out as intro in November was flagged , now it’s sometime next year. Ok If Your an American, 10 days holiday allowance, paying what 20k usd to tour Europe. Your gonna risk that on some unpredictable unproven visa waiver. And there’s only so many Europeans and many many 3rd nation folk that visit Europe…So where’s these available punters coming from. Most applications will no doubt sail through.but can the system handle all 3rd nationals applicants as people rush to get the waiver on system operating, so they can spend in Europe.

user Icerolyuk | 11 months ago

Ulla JacksonTotally agree the headline is BS and makes no mention of existing systems in USA post 9/11 where there was no public outcry and interestingly nobody seems to be up in arms about the U.K. introducing exactly the same in 2024. Only criminals and terrorists should be worried as it’s another way of sharing data between countries, on those people rather than restricting tourists.