user Ulla Jackson | 9 months ago

Richard PearsonHave you ever lived in a gated community, Mr Pearson? Well I have, so I know about the "bubbled"life and I'm not at all jelous of Mr Lammers. Mr Pearson, be careful pointing fingers too quickly!

user Richard Pearson | 9 months ago

Mike LammersIn case you hadn’t heard it before there is a Spanish expression that states: : “Every time you speak, the price of bread goes up”. There are obviously a few readers who are either bakers or gluten intolerant.

user Richard Pearson | 9 months ago

Mike LammersYou will obviously gather from some of the comments that jealousy is alive and well and that the same people who want others to be “kind” are pretty insulting to those who choose to live a different lifestyle from theirs. Maybe another reader would refer to this as “irony”. By the way, do you have any Polish or Hungarian neighbours ? You know, the ones who, like the community you live in, do not allow illegal aliens to cross their borders.

user Ulla Jackson | 9 months ago

Richard PearsonIt just tells you that most people lives in the real world. And most do understand and accept that.

user Ulla Jackson | 9 months ago

Richard PearsonI think, Mr Pearson, you could make an effort trying to be kinder. Were you born rude, or taking some time to acquired it? So do try harder to be able to write kind word even to people not living in a gated community.

user Ulla Jackson | 9 months ago

Mike LammersA. You live in a gated community you so you don't have to leave. Enjoy. B. Which country in Europe does not have illegal immigrants? C. Maybe you need to face the real world sometimes, outside of your gated community, whether you like it or not, or just stay in a "dream bubble"?

user Richard Pearson | 9 months ago

G.., you are slow off the mark Williams. It took you more than a day to respond (with a convulsed and unintelligible reply) to Mr Lammers comment, and only then after someone else had stepped into the breach. You must try harder.

Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | 9 months ago

Richard PearsonYes it does. Probably all foreigners, eh? After all, they let "ferral people coming in" (sic).

user Richard Pearson | 9 months ago

Mike, the greater number of negative votes says a lot about this newspaper’s readers.

user Mike Lammers | 9 months ago

Very sad to read this . We bought a property in a gated /and secured community in Spain mainland .Very safe and in fact we can spend a holiday without leaving it ( shop, restaurants, pools, golf, hairdressers etc ) Spain as they say need the tourists so why do they keep alowing illegal imigrants into the country and free them on bail when they commit a crime etc . We are not allowed to feed ferral cats in the gated community... but Europe allows ferral people coming in