user Ulla Jackson | about 1 year ago

Sir Pure BloodWhat a stupid name you have. And you have never ever been vaccinated against anything? Nothing at all? I seriously doubt that. And for your information all people have pure blood and nothing else in their a arteries, or what else do you suggest?

user Ulla Jackson | about 1 year ago

Sandra GEither stay at home in the UK or comply. It's not what you want to do or not. And it's not a debate if they work or not.

user Marvin Le Martian | about 1 year ago

Just got back from the PAC today for a consultation. Everyone had a mask. Brought back the horrible memories of continual mask wearing, but it was only whilst there and if there are more chances of encountering the coughers and splutterers in the centre, (which there definitely is) then I’m wearing the mask too. As should those who are coughing or spluttering.

user Sir Pure Blood | about 1 year ago

Just out of interest who are suffering the worst from this new strain of the virus. Were they the vaccinated? Hence they have had their natural immune system reduced? Meanwhile I am keeping an eye on the stock price of Pfizer et al.

Charles Dalrymple-Chumley Charles Dalrymple-Chumley | about 1 year ago

SaraMy apologies. It's a typo. Should have read Sandra G. I agree that you are mask positive and it's good to have you on side.

user Sara | about 1 year ago

Charles Dalrymple-ChumleyExcuse me Charles but I take exception to you saying “Taking your attitude and that of Sara and JRM…..”. If you read my comments you will see that I am with you all the way on mask wearing and certainly do not share the viewpoints of James Walker and JRM!!

Charles Dalrymple-Chumley Charles Dalrymple-Chumley | about 1 year ago

James WalkerI have the current virus in circulation. It's a cross between traditional flu and a nasty lung inflammation with coughing and spluttering being the main symptoms. You and your fellow mask deniers don't want it, believe me. Now, today, when I go out from my home I will wear a mask. It's not mandatory (yet) so why will I do that? Not because of the risk of infection to me since obviously I'm already fully infected but I wear it to reduce the possibility of my coughing and spluttering infecting others as I pass them in the street or sit next to them someplace. I don't particularly enjoy wearing the mask and with less then normal breathing it's not that comfortable but I believe in its effectiveness as a barrier to contain the spread of my virus from the droplets and bacteria that I expel while I walk outside and shop inside. Taking your attitude and that of Sara and JRM your big idea is that I should abandon my mask as being worthless and go out into the streets expelling my droplets and saying to hell with you all. And if one of you should be passing me and breathing in at the same time then the likelihood of inhaling my expulsion is pretty high. So I as a community-minded person go through the procedure of wearing a mask knowing that if the tables were turned you and your fellow mask deniers would not reciprocate. And you think I'm wrong and you're right?

JRM JRM | about 1 year ago

James WalkerFar right!! Jokes aside mate you’re bang on this money. Insane how they try to make you out to be the bad person by using your brain. Where can I contact you to meet for a beer? However; can you please send evidence of your 7th booster and proof of purchase of a FP61971z4 full hazmat body suit with oxygen regeneration system to my email before I’d be willing to meet outwith of teams.

user James Walker | about 1 year ago

@Charles bore off mate, if you want to wear a face nappy that does more harm to you than good when wearing them for long periods of time then crack on. But leave the people alone who want to breathe fresh air and get on with there lives. At the end of the day all this hysterical nonsense over what? A cold nothing more. It's a far left political stunt, a virtual signal, oh look at me I'm a good person I'm not selfish I'm better than everyone else. I've joined the cult of woke BS. Get a life!

JRM JRM | about 1 year ago

SaraPlease can someone address what James Walker has quite correctly posted? Or will it continue to be ignored. “Please show me any study that proves face masks work? As for your so called specialists, they have been wrong on everything every step of the way, why would you still believe them?” If you think they’re so safe and effective surely you can wear them yourselves and be absolutely immune! Leave the rest of us alone. Thanks in advance.