user Richard Pearson | about 1 year ago

SaraHi Sara, any chance of you replying to the question I made a few days ago about Catalan nationalists ? Thanks

user Richard Pearson | about 1 year ago

Morgan WilliamsThe problems of the world cannot possibly be solved by skeptics or cynics whose horizons are limited by the obvious realities. We need men who can dream of things that never were. John F. Kennedy

Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | about 1 year ago

It's subtle, but the insularity here is oozing. You all realise that English people aren't the only ones who speak English? English publications aren't only read by English people. I can assure you that this publication is routinely read by all kinds of "foreigners". And since "foreigners" are by far more dominant here than English people, it may well be that this publication is consumed more by non-native English speaking non-British citizens than Brits. And that may explain how the "rest of the world" sees that famous stereotypical insularity with remarkable clarity, while English people can't even begin to fathom where those stereotypes come from. "The apparent obliviousness makes it twice as effective".

user Richard Pearson | about 1 year ago

SaraSerious question. How do Catalan nationalists refer to themselves whilst living in Madrid or other parts of Spain on a permanent basis ?

user Richard Pearson | about 1 year ago

TDMy personal opinion is that Ulla is more connected to Spain than to Sweden.

user Richard Pearson | about 1 year ago

In the meantime, nobody is focusing on the real reason we are being subjected to all of these controls.

user Sara | about 1 year ago

TDThey advertise the MDB for “English speaking residents of Mallorca”. English speaking doesn’t mean just from England nor even British. Nor “expat”! I think you mean “immigrant”.

user Caddy | about 1 year ago

When we were in Mallorca last April we noticed that very few departing passengers seemed to be showing their liquids separately, so on our last visit we didn't take our liquids out of our hand luggage and passed through security without any bother. As far as we could tell, it seems that Palma airport hasn't required liquids to be presented separately for quite a while.

Andrew Millar Andrew Millar | about 1 year ago

Do MDB know something we don’t maybe they are going to start searching us as we arrive just to make it more annoying for us and make us stand queuing

user TD | about 1 year ago

Ulla, maybe, just maybe because its an English language paper predominantly to be read by English ex-pats 🤷‍♂️. If you want something Swedish then read the equivalent paper (which probably doesn't exist). Stop whinging.