user Richard Pearson | about 1 year ago

Stephen NivenGood question and one must presume that you already know the answer. I suppose that the new ETIAS Visa will make it both easier for the bona fide traveller as well as for the border authorities as also the ones you may encounter whilst on your journey.

Stephen Niven Stephen Niven | about 1 year ago

So what about European road trips, staying ad-hoc as you go, or coming across the land border, walking El Camino and camping/caravanning holidays?

user Richard Pearson | about 1 year ago

Morgan, never start a sentence with “Well, you're the one”. It gives the impression that you’ve lost the argument before it’s even begun.

Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | about 1 year ago

Richard PearsonWell, you're the one seemingly obsessed with "illegal immigrants", generally implicit of "foreigners", though technically, you're one of those "illegals" by your own admission. Yet equally ironically, you seem to think you should be "entitled" by accident of birth. I think anyone could reasonably assess that as "projection".

user Richard Pearson | about 1 year ago

Morgan, is Psychiatry just a hobby for you or are you a pro ?

Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | about 1 year ago

Richard PearsonIs "projection" just a hobby for you, or are you a pro? @loadsamoney Aren't all "foreigners" problematic? Richard seems to think so (apparently, I'm one of them, being Welsh and all). Still, I happen to know a Romanian that runs one of the largest shipping companies here... And ironically is a neighbour of yours. Also, you apparently don't know much about tourism here, but I think you'd be surprised how many Romanians are vacationing in 5 star hotels and villas these days. But you know, they're "foreigners" (aka "not English"). Apparently, it's why everything is shit. Richard can 'splain it to you. Oh, and although you aren't likely to be aware of it, but outside of your bubble, the need to publicly demonstrate how rich you are is generally considered a sign that you're just pretending. You might want to consider how that makes you appear (as if you'd care). But might help explain your chronic discomfort here, being surrounded by foreigners and all.

user Richard Pearson | about 1 year ago

Morgan WilliamsIn certain circles, especially the left leaning ones, the term “illegals” is frowned upon. The current accepted term to refer to lazy, entitled people breaking the law is “undocumented migrants”, mainly so one doesn’t upset their feelings. As a firm believer in free speech, you can call me what you like, even in Welsh.

user Loadsamoney | about 1 year ago

So Morgan can you please explain why of all the foreign nationalites in Palma prison, Romanians are the 3rd highest represented after Moroccans and Colombians? As a percentage of the amount of Romanians on the Island it is fair to conclude Romanians on the Island are as s group problematic. Source of Jail figures (MDB Dec 21)

Steve Baggaley Steve Baggaley | about 1 year ago

In the 1980s we had to fill in a landing card with the name of the hotel where we were staying. The airlines used to provide a ficticious hotels to put down. This all stopped when Spain joined the EU.

Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | about 1 year ago

Yes, nothing new here, and as far as I'm aware, there's no evidence that it's ever been enforced. Like the proof of 100€ per day. Richard.. not all illegals are criminals. Some are just lazy and/or feel entitled. "Imagine the Romanians that come to Mallorca to thieve and squat going to the police for their invitation! " -- Better update what you know "for sure".. In terms of economic growth, Romania has been outperforming the UK for decades. Today, Romanians are booking 5 star accommodation in Mallorca, rather than "thieving and squatting".