Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | 9 months ago

Perhaps it's time to consider booking holidays outside of a British resort? Try this: rather than search for the cheapest (which often turns out to be more expensive), make a list of the things you'll enjoy (other than the cheapest) and search based on that. You might be surprised what turns up. And don't worry about being exposed to "foreign stuff" on your hols abroad. Really, you'll probably be surprised how bad it isn't. Good luck.

HW HW | 9 months ago

The Balearics believe their own hype. Words like Paradise, VIP experience etc don't wash. They say the Balearics is a gastronomy destination. Nothing further from the true. It's not that the British don't have the money. It's the fact that they won't pay for sub standard service. Nor will the rich. Eventually, you get found out. I can find better food and service in the farthest places in the countryside at establishments still run by family members, where they actually still appreciate your custom

user Berlingo | 9 months ago

Interesting to see this Spiraling out of control but it is Rich people you will find occasionally but seldom most in Palma or Milano beach Rich people eat at Home super good and cheap , there is the need to make $ before the tourist are gone as the entire hate tourist thing is starting to Bite and that will hurt !

user Zoltan Teglas | 9 months ago

Morgan WilliamsDon't tell them! Most on here think it's normal to pay 2.70€ for a coffee

Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | 9 months ago

Is there some new law requiring you have to go to mediocre restaurants that are expensive and have crappy food? Because the rest of us can enjoy some pretty good food for not a lot of money around most of the island, but it won't be freeze-fried F&C or prefabricated poly-cheese microwave burgers, if that's what you'd rather have. Although I think that paying outrageous money for that seems a bit daft, but you know what they say...

user Hutchy | 9 months ago

I see Puerto Pollensa gets a mention, but being a regular visitor there, I can confirm that in general the costs for a meal out have not risen more than a few euros in the past couple of years. Like anywhere with a vast amount of restaurants on tap, there are some more expensive than others, but definitely reasonable value to be had if you look.

Charles Dalrymple-Chumley Charles Dalrymple-Chumley | 9 months ago

It's a combination of profiteering and complacency. Making bigger profits while the sun shines and complacency that the tourists will keep coming whatever is thrown at them. They'll find out that it doesn't work like that.

user Chris G | 9 months ago

We recently met up with some friends who were staying for a week in Pta Pollensa. Supposedly one of the better restaurants in town - but we were shocked by the very, very poor quality of food that was presented and the prices were crazy high.

user Just Togetpublished | 9 months ago

Ya think!

user JC | 9 months ago

Fairly accurate comments. Especially true in Old Town Palma where I think the squeeze has gone in all areas for restaurants - cost of ingredients; labour costs; and rent. I think the only restaurants that survive for any number of years either own the building they are in, or have exceptionally good lease terms. That said, some places are getting it right - Stagier in Palma for instance is incredibly good value for what it is. We ate there a couple of weeks ago for €115 and the food was excellent. In comparison, ate at another Santa Catalina establishment a week later for €85 and the food was bland to ok at best.