Charlie Cool Charlie Cool | about 3 hours ago

Yeah, Catherine Zeta and Michael, bugger off, and take Annie Lennox, Jürgen Klopp and Richard Branson with you. Plus all the other people who spend fortunes around Mallorca. Stuff 'em.

user Marvin Le Martian | about 6 hours ago

This smacks of the anti-capitalists pushing their agenda on the back of the over-tourism movement. As ever here, it’s contradictory, confusing and always complicated.

user Shaun1 | about 8 hours ago

Mystery solved! I have always wondered where Wolfie Smith of Citizen Smith had disappeared to, and turns up head of the free Mallorca group.Correct me if I am wrong but Mallorca has a population of around one million residents, approximately 600k being Spanish, yet 20k at a demo seem to think they can speak for everyone. If a vote was held I am sure the outcome would be different. Wolfie always said power to the people, not power to the minority

user Gabriel | about 10 hours ago

What do private jets have to do with the price of eggs?

user Compo | about 10 hours ago

This rather goes against the now clearly false claim that the protesters are not anti tourism. The original thrust of the campaign was making tourism sustainable and managing numbers. This made sense too many but this list of demands is basically aiming to eliminate tourism altogether. It will be interesting to see if a counter movement starts up now trying to protect tourism before their economy is completely wrecked

user Ford Prefect | about 10 hours ago

People of Mallorca be careful what you wish for. My family were planning on going to Mallorca this year, we have cancelled just as you want. There are many countries around the world that will welcome us and our money without hostility. I wish you all well in your future poverty, but you did bring it upon yourselves. Kind regards Ford

Todor Petrov tattoo | about 11 hours ago

And last but maybe the most important ! 10.- Limit the number of the rental cars , polution tax to be paid to the local goverment and limit of 500km for 7days to be set... The rental cars should be something exclusive, not cheaper then renting a bicycle... Bring the good old way with tourist excursions and keep the tourists to stay local...Then the local business will be more happy and the residents more calm and less frustrated from the tourism...There is no tourist masification , the hotels are not doubled their beds in the last 5 years, but the rental cars , they are !

user TD | about 12 hours ago

All these demands to me seem like they are emotional. There isn't a single one that stands up intellectually or economically. I bet there isn't a single person in the leadership group who is educated to MBA level or worked at a high level in finance/economics. They all seem a bit stupid.

user Richard Pearson | about 12 hours ago

Charles Dalrymple-Chumley“Perhaps you could publish your responses in Spanish in Mallorcan media and see how/if the protestors/Council respond?” If it comes from a “foreigner” they will laugh and tell you to mind your own business. You may find it instructive to read the comments published in the UH, the MDB sister paper. “They have the power to repeal this idiotic law” I’m afraid they don’t. It’s a Spain national law, proposed and strengthened by Podemos, a small but influential communist party, and many of its provincial offshoots. The only way to eliminate it is for the voting public to put their trust in a right of centre or a right of right party. The first lot would most probably chicken out. The second lot wouldn’t. But don’t hold your breath. Democracy is a numbers game and uninformed idiots seem to be in a majority.

Charles Dalrymple-Chumley Charles Dalrymple-Chumley | about 14 hours ago

Morgan WilliamsGood work. But I fear that commenting on this site is not unlike waving a stick in the Albert Hall. Very little impact. Perhaps you could publish your responses in Spanish in Mallorcan media and see how/if the protestors/Council respond?