Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | 6 months ago

Richard PearsonDo have any clue what the attraction to England is for undocumented migrants? Why not stay in France? It's nice there. What's the attraction to England? Not even you want to live there. Here's a clue - There's no requirement to identify yourself in the UK. There's no such thing as an ID card, and while there's some barriers to certain things like access to the NHS, or opening a bank account, or even getting employment - they're not difficult to get around, if they know how to do it - especially if they have no documentation that specifically states they aren't allowed (such as the stamp in their passport when they arrive - "employment prohibited"). And those that smuggle them in are happy to provide instructions and contacts in England to help get around any barriers. Eventually, most can manage to obtain enough documentation (authentic or fake) to get a job, pay tax, access to the NHS, et al. Since there's no effective identification process, the home office has precious little clue how many there are. And *ahem*... they don't always arrive by boats. In fact, the vast majority arrive by plane and just never leave - like you, for example. Conversely, in Europe, they won't get far without documentation - an ID card, a passport, residence certificate, et al. Unless they have these things, employment and access to the system is extremely difficult, if not impossible. Their only chance is to claim asylum, which is pretty tricky because they have to prove they're fleeing from danger in their home country, which they can't even prove they're from. Surely you struggle with some of those barriers in one way or another? They may clandestinely land in Europe somewhere, but they can't do much. But England... They can get away with a lot there. And that's the attraction.

user Richard Pearson | 6 months ago

I see that the MW fan club is out in force this morning. I wonder how many of them go on holiday to France and survive the ordeal, this being the same place people are fleeing from looking for a “safe haven” in England (not Wales) only 30 kms away (Menorca is 40 from Mallorca) in “struggling” brand new inflatables, all provided with safety gear and life jackets, with charity funded lifeboats waiting to guide them to the nearest 4 star hotel, whilst they, on the other hand could only afford a 3 star bed and breakfast.

user Richard Pearson | 6 months ago

Cat FisherOf course. It’s people like Williams who like to be seen taking the moral high ground,, receiving all the kudos but then washing their hands on the small matter about what to do with them next. Never in a million years would he dream of forking money out of his own pocket to help pay for their maintenance (don’t bamboozle me with the amount of tax you pay Williams) or offer to shelter them in one of his own properties. All that’s down to the little people, for instance like the ones protesting right now in the U.K., and shortly through the rest of Europe.

user Cat Fisher | 6 months ago

Morgan WilliamsAnd that’s it ?

Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | 6 months ago

Whether I agree with you or not is irrelevant. The fact remains that refusal to provide safe haven to a struggling vessel full of humans, leaving them to die at sea not only contravenes international law, but carries with it some very serious political, moral, and ethical consequences. Sounds like an easy fix, but it isn't. Like most easy fixes.

user Richard Pearson | 6 months ago

Cat FisherThen if he doesn’t, he can always say why.

user Cat Fisher | 6 months ago

tranq tranquerI would tend to agree with you and Richard about this, but I doubt Morgan will.

user Richard Pearson | 6 months ago

tranq tranquerYou are basically proposing that they should apply the Australian immigration policy to the problem, something you may be familiar with. When, quite some time ago, I suggested the same thing, I was shot down in flames and called everything under the sun apart from good regular contributors to these pages. So, I wish you good luck.

user Richard Pearson | 6 months ago

No, but the ones (3 so far plus you) who don’t seem to disagree with them arriving can pay for their food and upkeep out of their own pockets until they get a job and contribute to society. You yourself classify me as an illegal, so no doubt you will be willing to do the same for me, n’est ce pas ?

tranq tranquer tranq tranquer | 6 months ago

Morgan WilliamsYou raise an interesting question Morgan. How many boats would have to be refused entry to Balearic waters before news got back the Baleares are closed to migrant boats so its not worth going. Not many refusals I'll bet. That is exactly the policy the UK government should be adopting in the channel. As for dying at sea, bring enough fuel for the return journey.