user Richard Pearson | 6 months ago

“ I love irony” You have no idea how much.

Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | 6 months ago

Richard PearsonYou've quite accurately described the historically verifiable behaviour of the "far right". Sure, there's plenty of moderates on all sides of the political spectrum, but anyone not "far right" are obviously "commies". They're all rubber boat foreigners anyway. Just ask the average UK voter. Oh, and don't forget to send Nige a donation. He's loaded with bob now, but needs as much as he can get to continue to fight "communism" in England. He works tirelessly on that anti-communist yacht. Yet, I do appreciate that in your insularity, you wouldn't know the difference, nor be able differentiate from the isolated little English world you surround yourself with, so you could be forgiven on the basis of pure gullibility. Besides, if you ever have doubts, you can always pick up a copy of the express or GB news and you'll be validated again. No worries. I love irony. Great job, Richard.

user Richard Pearson | 6 months ago

Pro communism, pro extreme left wing socialism, even left wing socialism, what’s the difference ? They all want to control the masses and equal everybody ‘s lives downwards. Except of course that of those running the show. You’re the one who is confused. Nowhere have I, or for that matter Berlingo, said that Spain is a communist country. We may though be of the opinion that it is certainly becoming more authoritarian and less free than it was since “democracy” became the system under which our lives are regulated. You don’t believe me ? Ask the average U.K. voter of the opinion about what is currently happening in the country that gave the world the Magna Carta.

user Zoltan Teglas | 6 months ago

Richard PearsonI don't think I've ever made any pro communist comments on here. If you think Spain is anything like a communist country you must be very confused.

user Richard Pearson | 6 months ago

Zoltan TeglasThat may be so, but judging from your comments, you appear to be suffering from the Stockholm syndrome of the system you supposedly abandoned.

user Zoltan Teglas | 6 months ago

Richard PearsonI used to live in a communist country, so I know a thing or two about it. Anyone who thinks that Spain is a communist country either doesn't know what they're talking about or is not very intelligent, probably both.

user Richard Pearson | 6 months ago

Morgan WilliamsYou are assuming Berlingo is English. Why ? On what basis ?

tattoo tattoo | 6 months ago

The hotels are not overcrowded , the roads and the hot spots are, where the social media brings all the people hired rental cars to visit them...Just restrict the rental cars , limit them, add a polution tax that the local goverment to earn money from it and make an restricted laws against them, because is not normal, when we claim the island is ecological, at the same time visitors to share in the groups how they had 1000km around the island for 6 days...Otherwise we all fight for t decarbonisation and low polution in this case seems not when the people are on holiday ...and we all suffer from this , causing huge traffic jams and frustration in the local people. The hotel beds has not been doubled after Covid, but the rental cars they did or even trippled ! Keep the tourists local or bring back the old school bus excursions, where the bus transport will carry 40 passengers instead of another 20 cars driving around ...

Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | 6 months ago

BerlingoThis isn't England. It's Spain. We don't do the same things as in England. The same grievances don't apply. Go back to England if you want to complain about that. But when you're here, don't assume it's all a bunch of "commies". You'll look really stupid to the rest of the world when you do that. Spain (or any "foreigners") may be the English definition of "commies", but it has little to do with the actual definition in the rest of the world. And it's probably wise to be aware that the rest of the world is over 100x the size of England, not the other way around.

user Richard Pearson | 6 months ago

Zoltan TeglasSince you obviously aren’t able to explain what communism is to Berlingo and myself, could you recommend any books that we can read to brush up on the subject ? Please don’t include anything written by Marx. Been there, done that. Maybe something more recent, such as something published by a South American leader ? Thanks.