Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | 5 months ago

Zoltan TeglasYes, that's the point. Wealthy people rarely ever brag about their wealth. In fact, they tend to downplay it for obvious reasons. The Germans have a word for it: "Schickimicki" - a strongly depreciatory or derogative term for people that not only brag about their wealth, but spend what money they do have on the appearance of wealth, so that they can mingle with those that do. There's also a German saying: "Wenn Sie es haben, werden sie es wissen". Translated: "if you have it, they will know". What it means is, that people know instinctively if someone is wealthy by the way they carry themselves. Bragging about it (or just trying to appear wealthy) only casts doubt, because most wealthy people don't do that. You need not tell them. They'll know.

user Zoltan Teglas | 5 months ago

Morgan WilliamsI've met a lot of very rich people over the years including a couple of billionaires, and one thing they have in common (apart from Russians) is they don't brag about their money, or like to draw too much attention to themselves. The people on here who do that are either not very rich or or just full of . . .

user Zoltan Teglas | 5 months ago

All these people saying 'I won't come to Mallorca anymore - you won't survive without me' Please do go somewhere else - most people on the island want a reduction in tourist numbers, and we will survive very well without you. Goodbye!

Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | 5 months ago

TDWhat exactly are you doing here if everything is so unbearable for you? There's far better places in the world - as you nauseatingly remind us. After all, you have "loadsamoney" and can afford anything. You could go colonise an island, for example (I can only assume your far-flung hypocrisy was based on what you would do, if you actually had "loadsamoney"?). Bang-on average, as you would say? Sold that place in Son Vida yet?

Robert MacDonald Robert MacDonald | 5 months ago

I have to say there will be many like me wondering if the queues and visa will be worth the hassle

user TD | 5 months ago

Says Morgan Williams, old Welshman who can't hack it and is selling up. He despises Brits snd comes on here saying how all is well in Mallorca when the numbers say otherwise. He thinks all Mallorcan tourism is like his inland eco aburrida casas where his only customers are rich hippy Scandies renting 2 cars just to get to his houses, stocking up at Carrefour on day 1 then never leaving the house again for a week. Carrefour, Recordgo, Repsol snd Morgan Williams do well, but nobody else does. This man is an old school colonial with his defacto sugar plantations in the middle of the Island. He is part of Mallorca's problem and should have his holiday let licences revoked.

Charles Dalrymple-Chumley Charles Dalrymple-Chumley | 5 months ago

Yes, should be concerned. Amongst others, Bulgaria, Croatia and Montenegro are all seriously competing for the tourism dollar. They'll be rubbing their hands together at the stupidity of the protestors and the success they are having in driving tourists into their destinations.

user Beachcomber | 5 months ago

Good move as despite being property owners in Majorca we have switched our usual November visit from Majorca to Morocco. Minimal bureaucracy on arrival and far cheaper prices and quality as well as value.

Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | 5 months ago

TDI'd have to agree that Morocco is surprisingly nice. Great place to visit. But living there would be similar to other charming places where if you want to live like a millionaire, just bring 2 million with you. Curiously, your obvious distaste for anything Mallorca leaves me wondering why the hell you ever come back? On the bright side, you'll make space for others who aren't just pretending to have "loadsamoney". Oh, have you sold your palace in Son Vida yet? You didn't sell it to a foreigner did you? At full price? That would be contributing to the whole reason Mallorca sucks, as you've pointed out previously. Anyway, enjoy Morocco. Or wherever other fabulous place you end up. Write if you get work!

Per Tourette Per Tourette | 5 months ago

I fail to see why one airline travelling to another location will make any difference.