user Ulla Jackson | 4 months ago

Richard PearsonObviously you don't. Depending what question you ask and what answer you want, that's why you can get statistic to prove "anything". This has nothing to do with Mr Williams, who you seems to have a personal issue with, due to a different nationality to you.

user Ulla Jackson | 4 months ago

TDPersonal attacks is just showing what a narrow person you are. Just cut it and stick to the subject! Anyone who attacks a person due to different nationalities, should just think twice before writing.

user Zoltan Teglas | 5 months ago

TDYou either don't know London or don't know Palma, or is it both? Saying the price of a decent meal is the same in both cities is totally untrue and easily proven. Even a cup of coffee is over twice the price in London! And if Palma/Mallorca is so bad, please go somewhere else, you won't be missed, believe me.

user TD | 5 months ago

Morgan has spoken, Fosh is no good, however the Michelin inspectors keep going and renewing its star. Asking a Welshman about food is like asking a vegetarian where the best steak testaurant in town is!

user TD | 5 months ago

Must be difficult for Morgan out here with no restaurants selling those famous Welsh classics like cawl, Welsh rarebit, laverbread or bara brith. Went to Cardiff and Swansea once, never again, culinary wastelands, not a decent restaurant in sight. Best thing about those two places was seeing them in my rear view mirror.

Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | 5 months ago

Another good example of how those who obsessively surround themselves solely in Englishness are not only chronically dissatisfied with how "unEnglish" (read: "backward, unsophisticated") everything is, yet are completely unaware of much else, or that they're quite verifiably in the minority, and ironically appear quite common. You don't need to tell us how chic you are. We already sorted it, thank you. By the way, Fosh is highly overrated. I quit going there years ago after repeated embarrassments when inviting guests. And frankly, comparing prices at some of the most expensive places in Mallorca to prices at Wetherspoons in London is a bit of a stretch. It's like claiming 18% of tourism is an overwhelming majority. Good job elections and footies don't use those maths.

tranq tranquer tranq tranquer | 5 months ago

TDCivilised, presumably you are talking about Calvia or similar. Exactly the more more, busy busy mindset. Ring road like the M25 bringing happy memories of home. Why Capdepera you ask. Well I ask - why are you here ? If you want to help convert where you live into a megalopolis please go somewhere else to do it .

tranq tranquer tranq tranquer | 5 months ago

Richard PearsonAgree, the only time we eat out is when we have visitors ,then its obligatory. As for restaurants like those on the list below, Fosh etc, I am not a foody so do not search out the Michelins, I can't see the point. Plenty more things to spend money on. Good advice. Cut out the middleman. Buy your food and throw it straight into the toilet. As for the article, a slowdown is exactly what we need. enough of the more more more. Start searching for a happier medium of sustainable tourism providing jobs whilst allowing residents a relaxed comfortable style of life. Thats what most of the older arrivals came for in the first place.

user TD | 5 months ago

Thanks Richard, but Capdepera is in the middle of nowhere, why would anybody want to go there? Life is too short. That's at least a €100 round trip for anybody living somewhere civilised. Why 🤷‍♂️

user Richard Pearson | 5 months ago

TDPalma ? Check out the SuKarne prices in Font de Sa Cala, a small beach resort near Capdepera. It’s good, but not that good. Eating (and drinking) out in Majorca is no longer something one does on a regular basis if you have a decent kitchen or have friends or family visiting. And most visitors will admit that they hardly ever eat out at home, only whilst they are on holiday.