Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | 3 months ago

TDRe: They pay no property, council or rubbish taxes. They don't work so pay no income tax, therefore they don't contribute to society, they don't pay for schools, hospitals, roads, unemployment benefits etc. but they sure will use those things. Richard does that and believes he's perfectly entitled. So why not a few "foreigners" on wheels? Oh, wait... It's just more unfairness to the "right kind" of "illegals".

user Richard Pearson | 3 months ago

Ulla JacksonYou just have.

user Ulla Jackson | 3 months ago

ChrisSome needs to drag this at every opportunity, unfortunately.

user Richard Pearson | 3 months ago

ChrisMy point wasn’t about immigration per se. It was about new arrivals being treated better than long term natives. Anyone born in a country should have their needs covered before someone who has just arrived. Struggling, homeless natives should be offered hotel rooms before anyone else, here, in the UK, in the USA or anywhere else. If I continued quoting more facts I would no doubt be accused of being a ray cist.

tranq tranquer tranq tranquer | 3 months ago

To Les Chase and others I say no thank you. We are not continental Europe, we do not need motorhome tourism on our overcrowded road network . Thats one thing the hoteliers got right when they influenced the " no caravan parks" debate years ago. Can you imagine the Serra from Andratx to Pollensa, those roads with cars pulling caravans plus motorhomes. However I do believe there is a real accommodation problem and motorhomes provide a small but workable solution. The city must provide land with services at a modest breakeven rental so these vehicles can be justifiably moved on from anywhere "illegal" they choose to occupy. @TD We agree on the city providing suitable locations . As for your use of dogs, or no doubt other pets, as prejudicial beggars believe. The first thing I would do in that situation is get a companion from the shelter. Its why so many homeless on the streets have dogs, they help protect your sanity. This Mayor is way out of touch, someone needs to educate him pronto.

user TD | 3 months ago

@Karl, are you being serious? They pay no property, council or rubbish taxes. They don't work so pay no income tax, therefore they don't contribute to society, they don't pay for schools, hospitals, roads, unemployment benefits etc. but they sure will use those things. If everybody acted as irresponsibly as these people society would regress 1000 years. Selfish.

user Bryan Adams | 3 months ago

ChrisBrainwashed by the UK's non dom owned rightwing press, championed by the Daily Mail, but the Express is actually worse. 'Brown people taking your jobs / house / car / etc'

user Chris | 3 months ago

RickGo to the car park at the Hugo swimming pools, as mentioned in this article - there you'll find a lot of vehicles parked overnight.

user Chris | 3 months ago

Richard PearsonWhy, oh why do some people bring immigration into every single debate and conversation. This is totally irrelevant to this article about people sleeping in motorhomes in Palma.

user Karl | 3 months ago

Long live freedom! Leave theese people alone. They are all total freedom seekers, true libertarians, who should be exempt from taxes for being such free sprits. The wave the gadsdens flag for freedom along the beaches of this corrupt land and municipal pools, blocking all these nice views of rich people and rightly so. we all deserve a steak dinner every now and then, but not at the expense of the cows.