user Rick | 3 months ago

Don’t agree with folks pointing the finger back at the airline. Now THAT is dumb. Airlines take people wherever there is demand and yield. Simple. It’s a business duh. No half educated person can blame them for that. It is indeed those in charge of regulation, monitoring and enforcement. Get your infrastructure in order. Stop local corruption. Unlicensed rentals obviously have something to do with it and the government does NOT enforce it and not smart enough.

user Ulla Jackson | 3 months ago

Not sure what he is he complaining about? He only fly them in and out. Thought his business is happy, the more using his airline, the more profit. To me it sounds he is a bit of hypocrite.

Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | 3 months ago

Ulla JacksonYou are correct. Thank you. However, TD (previously posting as "loadsamoney") is a rather contradictory and blatantly hypocritical common troll, so it's best to just ignore him, which is what he hates most (and he hates a lot of things - including Mallorquins).

user Ulla Jackson | 3 months ago

TDAs far as I know Williams has a correct licence to do letting. So what is your problem? This article was about illegal lettings.

user TD | 3 months ago

Ah Morgan Williams agreeing with him as he is another one with self interests who doesn't give a stuff about Mallorcans. Just cares about his eco Swede clients.and his bank balance whilst adding no value to the locals.

Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | 3 months ago

Obviously he has motivation to divert "blame" elsewhere. But he makes a good point. Assuming that many thousands of holiday lets are operating illegally (though nobody seems to be able to accurately quantify how many, how they're getting millions of bookings, and the anti-tourism movement has every motivation to exaggerate those unquantifiable numbers), then enforcement would certainly make a difference. It's a valid point. And it should be enforced. But even then, as evidenced by other jurisdictions that have banned them, it hasn't had any impact on housing prices at all. It seems that holiday letting isn't the real problem. Especially in Mallorca. The root is simply that other economies have produced higher earning citizens who find that rent and property prices here are much cheaper than in their own patch. And the weather is better. What's not to like? Going to have to find a way to make it work better. Over tourism? I doubt that's going to end anytime soon without causing major damage. Voters may not like the crowds, but they also don't like economic decline. So, get used to it. It's not going away anytime soon.

user Marvin Le Martian | 3 months ago

So he appears to be saying 95% of holiday rentals are illegal? And this man is a CEO? , if only I was that dumb with numbers, I might be running an airline too!

user Zoltan Teglas | 3 months ago

Yeah it's absolutely nothing to do with the millions of tourists that Jet 2 brings to Mallorca every year, they're all invisible and don't contribute to the over crowding

user TD | 3 months ago

What a self interested buffoon this man is. I will never use Jet2 again.

user Beachcomber | 3 months ago

Well he would say that with his charter planes bringing in shed loads of all inclusive low spending locally tourists. His passengers are not the tourists that Majorca needs and so he attacks the higher spending tourists who would never use his cattle truck flights in a million years. It’s his all inclusive tourists that should pay a high tourist tax.