user Richard Pearson | 3 months ago

Morgan WilliamsStrange that you should be directing your comment to Tranq, when he has been the only person to publicly celebrate my posture (I presume not ironically). Don’t pay taxes ?. What about my UK income ones ? What about Spain’s IVA on everything I buy, consume and eat in bars and restaurants, not to mention buses and taxis and the occasional hire car ? Stopped by the police ? Why ? What for ? When was the last time you were stopped by the police whilst quietly minding your own business ?. Never, just like me. You really can’t stop making a fool of yourself, can you ? Keep up the good work.

Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | 3 months ago

tranq tranquerRichard isn't fleeing persecution (although he might try to argue he's here as a prisoner of "communism") nor an "economic" migrant. He's living here illegally to avoid paying taxes anywhere while living in "little England in the sun". I suppose the tax avoidance thing could be considered "economic" though. He seems to reckon there's nothing dubious about that - it's just being smart. And I'm rather certain he's well documented. Except of course, when stopped by police. Just like all those "illegals" he would like to see deported.

user Richard Pearson | 3 months ago

Olaf BachmannIs the African Diaspora News Channel, on YouTube, a reliable source of information ?

user Richard Pearson | 3 months ago

tranq tranquerYou must have a Masters Degree in how to avoid answering a question. Instead of taking up farming, you should have got into politics.

user Richard Pearson | 3 months ago

Olaf BachmannAs you are very much involved in Africa studies, you may find this interesting :

tranq tranquer tranq tranquer | 3 months ago

Richard PearsonI am not interested in Trump or his policies except on how they affect the important world order ie Ukraine, hydrocarbon usage etc. Illegal undocumented migrants :The word illegal says it all and no one should condone illegality. Undocumented : strange how all these young channel crossers have no ID documents, papers they guard with their life back in their home countries where bureaucracy can be far more savage than here in the west. Add another word - economic : the vast majority are not fleeing persecution ( political, sexual, war). They are fleeing the awfulness of the places they were born into . So the question becomes should the developed West open their borders to help these people. People who in the main have little education, limited skills, radically different culture, especially regarding women and homosexuality, different religions . The numbers who would travel if they could are staggering and no one should be even considering allowing it. Those who feel a deep seated humanitarian need to do something should be lobbying their governments to help at source to develop these countries or go and help themselves. The drug trade has demonstrated for more than 30 years you will never control the problem until you control the need. Same in this situation. We ( the West and especially the UK and Spain, my interests) are not first aid stations for the world's dispossessed . We should help more in situ to improve individual countries and world order but a third world hotel and aid station we must never be.

user Joe Miles | 3 months ago

Immigrants are already here and working in building sites,kitchens, asgardeners ,farm labourers etc.if Spanish nationals don’t want the work there is no alternative.

Olaf Bachmann Olaf Bachmann | 3 months ago

Jason is again dreaming about the end of the 90 days limit for 1 non member state. Funny. He hasn't vented this for weeks.

user Myself | 3 months ago

And once again “can only spend 180 days a year in two batches of 90 days.”!!!! FGS! 🙄

user Richard Pearson | 3 months ago

Lewis BlackBecause they aren’t potential PSOE voters.