user Richard Pearson | 3 months ago

Morgan WilliamsThat’s all fair and good, but what about the people who book through your website or walk in through the front door ?

Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | 3 months ago

Richard PearsonI don't have a "friend of a friend" that's in the "trade" that can speculate about it - I AM in the trade, and now using the system, and there's no requirement to enter the guest's card or bank details. I couldn't obtain that data anyway. I get paid through booking platforms, and they certainly won't send me the guest's transaction data. There's no need, and it would be legally questionable if not downright illegal for them to do that. I have noticed that suddenly the media has stopped making that claim though. There may be a few tabloid stragglers left employing headline-implicit clickbait, but the mass hyperbole seems to have vanished.

user Richard Pearson | 3 months ago

Morgan Williams“Social and mainstream media has been claiming that card and bank details are required, and they aren't. Period” A friend of mine has discussed this with a few people who are in the “trade” and they have all told her that yes, they are. Time will tell who is right and who is wrong.

Charles Dalrymple-Chumley Charles Dalrymple-Chumley | 3 months ago

Complete and utter nonsense. The authorities have been badly advised here and a lot of money has been wasted. Not to mention loss of income. It will just take one person to take the Government to the EU Court of Human Rights to claim that giving so much personal data just to rent a room is in breach of their human rights and their personal data protection and the whole system will get thrown out and banned. Any volunteers?

user Nigel Maude | 3 months ago

Morgan WilliamsAs is your opinion. However, only the first paragraph is relevant to this thread, the rest just "rambling" . Merry Xmas and happy New Year, Richard and all.

user Richard Pearson | 3 months ago

Morgan WilliamsAnd a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too.

Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | 3 months ago

Nigel MaudeNigel, your opinion is your opinion. It's what you *want* to believe. It's not uncommon that some believe what they read in social media, or even mainstream media, and you have the right to your "opinion". But it's often factually false, as in this case. Social and mainstream media has been claiming that card and bank details are required, and they aren't. Period. But decisions and beliefs are being set in stone based on falsehoods like this one. That's never a good way forward. Dictatorships start that way. That kind of disinformation propaganda is right out of Putin's playbook for example. And it's happening all over the place. Now, I'm not at all in favour of this programme, and it's unnecessary, since we already have the Guardia civil reporting (which appears to be largely ignored by the Guardia civil, and therefore equally a useless waste of time), but as far as I can tell, the only difference in data collection from the existing Guardia civil system seems to be adding the home address of the guest and their relationship to other guests. I still think that's a bit over the top. But it's not collecting bank and credit card data as previously misreported, which would probably be illegal anyway. With respect to "boat people" it's as relevant as banning artichokes to stop geckos. Meaningless, and absurd. It's not a "stop boat people" programme and has nothing to do with it. Neither is EES. The amusement on my part is (as evidenced by Richard as one example), is that he doesn't even hide the fact that he's an "illegal", yet has historically railed against "illegals" just like himself, and further, has historically equated "illegals" to "boat people", which represent a mere fraction of "illegals" living here. But factually, "boat people" are not what EES and other means of control are targeted at. Rather, it's targeted at the far larger contingent of "illegals" like him (remarkably similar to the system the US has had for years, and the UK is implementing next year). Yet ironically, he seems to believe he's exceptional anyway, and it shouldn't apply to him. We'll see how that pans out.

user Ambergrillo | 3 months ago

If any of you really think your "private" data is still private, you are still living in the long ago past. If you want to save your "privacy", start now by tossing away your smartphone.

user Nigel Maude | 3 months ago

Morgan WilliamsSorry, but like many of your inputs, do not see the relevance to the subject. ( food and mosquito eaters) My short comment was for Ulla, as she should know any divorce has vitriol. I do not see how a Hotel check-in will stop as you so rudely put it, "like Richard". Please go back in your box till you can accept others have their own opinions and need to be cajoled to bend to yours without being told. I can agree the form does not require credit details, but a lovely database to be hacked and used on the unsuspecting.

Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | 3 months ago

Nigel MaudeBanning artichokes won't stop geckos either. But then, the purpose of these programmes isn't to "stop the boats". They're focused on the far larger source of illegal immigration; those arriving legally but just never leaving. Like Richard, for example.