Richard PearsonWell, friend, understand what you will, your prerogative. "Decent lifestlye" - is subjective, of course; and by "smart," I did not mean as opposed to dumb. What I meant was, as in, keen, clever, pragmatic, sensible. We have the economic system that we have and one may use it to their benefit, legally, or be exploited by such machinations, continually, increasingly paying more into the chronically bleeding coffers and continually receiving less benefit - barring a scant few Countries where the pay-in more or less equals the pay-out. Operating through LLCs is nothing new. Own nothing yet control all the assets is the mantra of the financially elite - of which, I am not. Is that fair, equitable for the Society as a whole? Debatable. Is that immoral? Also debatable. Keep in mind though, the entrepreneurs are the ones who create jobs for the productive class. And, as Mr. Walker mentioned, one needs serious backbone to succeed as there is practically zero incentive in the majority of European countries for entrepreneurs to start-up - which, of course, is counterintuitive to a strong economy. If you can play a fiddle, hows about a British jig and reel, while the steel mills rust. (El Clash Combo)
WildwoodShould I therefore understand that to be able to have a decent lifestyle and money in your pocket, one needs to be “smart” and fiddle the system, eg pay less taxes ?
Ulla JacksonSo you are saying that no one is allowed to express an opinion about somewhere, something or somebody (my case) unless you have been there, done it, or met them ? By the way, “seem” seems to be the operative word here. I am not expecting a reply.
WildwoodI enjoy comments from someone, like you, who actually lived there, rather than views from people who never lived there but still seems to know all about Denmark.
Richard PearsonWell, yes, I lived there for 16 years and still have an apartment in Copenhagen. What smart people do is start a business and funnel all expenses, like cars, through the business account, thus reducing tax burden and personal expenditure.
Zoltan TeglasWith less than 10% of the UK’s population, of course it is. But it’s got nothing to do with socialism. Denmark is a free market capitalist country.
WildwoodOf course they are. Seen the price of cars in Denmark ?
I have staff to pay. The payments are already crazy, that's on top of the wages. I'm sure they will receive the same but the employer always loses. There is very little incentive to employ in Spain. This is just another reason to not employ or get rid of staff. Crazy socialism tactic. Looks good on paper. As the rest of the western world starts waking up to socialism we are stuck with it here for a few more years. A left wing government that over 60% of the country didn't vote for.
BeachcomberTheir 'wacky socialist state' has one of highest standards of living in the world. How terrible!
WildwoodInteresting reply, which I believe, not being that smart, and reading between the lines, basically agrees with what I said in the first place.