user Ulla Jackson | about 1 month ago

Richard PearsonLooking at the UK, they certainly don't have the public at heart, but definitely tax them dry!

user Ulla Jackson | about 1 month ago

Richard PearsonAs usual personal attacks from Mr Pearson, and considering that Mr Pearsons comments are always getting red flags. I wonder who is "well and truly off his rocker? ". I believe it's not Mr Williams, but closer to home!

user Zoltan Teglas | 2 months ago

Richard PearsonHow do you think roads are paid for? Hospitals, schools etc? Damn politicians taxing the public and spending money on the above. It should be a free for all and survival of the fittest!

user Richard Pearson | 2 months ago

Morgan WilliamsHaving reread your diatribe about life in general and politicians in particular, it has occurred to me that you don’t say whether you had DJT or Sr Sanchez and his wife in mind. Any chance of clarifying this for me ? Thanks.

user Richard Pearson | 2 months ago

Sibe MentoFunding ?. Don’t you mean stealing from the public by taxing them dry, instead of allowing them to spend their money how they please therefore increasing the flow of money in society and not how the politicians think is best for them to win the next election ? It’s due to this that most if not all countries have a massive and ever growing public debt, then printing money to try and solve it, whilst in the meantime making housing ever more unaffordable for the normal man in the street and future pensions pretty much an unachievable goal if things carry on as they are. But not to worry, you carry on believing that governments have our best interests at heart.

user Richard Pearson | 2 months ago

Morgan WilliamsOne question. Do you lock your front door at night ? No, two questions. Do you allow more people to stay in your AirBnb than had originally been booked ? Finally, am I the only person here who thinks you are well and truly off your rocker ?

Sibe Mento Sibe Mento | 2 months ago

Morgan WilliamsDon’t worry, I don’t!

Sibe Mento Sibe Mento | 2 months ago

Richard PearsonBut what about all the other means of funding I mentioned? Surely, no country can function on a mutually beneficial funding agreement, national debt and government corruption alone! And now your beloved UK is in the exact same situation but without the EU funding you were so desperately pandering that I include. Hook, line and sinker, señor!

Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | 2 months ago

Sibe MentoDon't be take him seriously, Sibe. He's just making these assumptions based on how he would behave if he were in power, with a deliberate misunderstanding of how public financing works, solely to support what he wants to believe. It's how populism works. It's about staying in power solely to enrich themselves. In a democracy (which almost every dictatorship claims to be) the process is pretty simple: find something that voters are agitated about, and exploit it. Engage in mass hyperbole, spread disinformation liberally across mainstream media and social media, get the voters all fired up, and win the next election. From there, begin to deregulate in ways that favour your own interests, manipulate the press and the judicial branches to extract or even extort favouritism, decreasing the chance of being legally held to account for any of the under the table activities they engage in. Immigration is one of the most powerful populist grievances, and you don't have to look very far to discover that it's being exploited everywhere for political gain. Yet, despite all the threats, the billions spent on useless remedies (e.g., border walls, Rwanda, etc) somehow the "problem" never seems to go away. Because without it, they have to find other grievances to exploit. Plus, they can blame it on whatever "enemy" they've fabricated to justify the phony war that they can further exploit to their advantage. Their supporters largely include those less fortunate, powerless, envious, seeking respite from their lot in life - and conversely, those with substantial wealth and privilege, seeking to further enrich themselves. But the ruling populist class has little interest in the former. It's not about improving their lives, it's about staying in power to enrich their own lives. And they need those useful idiots to achieve that. And that explains the exploitation. You don't need to search far to find glaring evidence of that, historically or contemporarily. It's all in plain sight, unless you don't want to see it. But that obliviousness makes a voter quite useful.

user Richard Pearson | 2 months ago

tranq tranquerTranq, I really don’t understand you. You publicly state your hatred for someone who has just won an election and who is a good friend of the man who you are suggesting should become the UK’s next PM, and who wants, and probably will, solve the immigration problem in his country just like you wished it was solved in yours, yet you still despise him. Doesn’t make sense to me. Maybe I fail to understand the finer points of international diplomacy. Pity we can’t meet and discuss this matter in person over beer. I would come wearing a red tie so that you would be able to recognize me.