Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | 24 days ago

I don't know. In one way, it appears it could actually be an ANTI-LBGTBIQ expression. In any case, unnecessary and pure junk. We don't need this crap.

user Myself | 24 days ago

TawnyAlthough Spain is a country with a Catholic tradition, from a constitutional point of view it cannot be considered a Christian country. Article 16 of the Spanish Constitution of 1978 states that “no confession shall have state status”. It is therefore a non-denominational state. Not that I like the poster.

user Richard Pearson | 24 days ago

tranq tranquerSorry, but don’t agree. The community you mention have in my opinion overstepped the limits of common decency, a phrase which nowadays doesn’t seem to be at the forefront of most people’s minds. The headline news in the UK should wake you up to the fact that certain things should be stamped down quickly and decisively before they are allowed to flourish. Old fashioned maybe, but I’m certainly not going to apologize for that. You give the impression of never ever had any children, especially grandchildren, of your own or of a partner. Being a parent gives a different perspective to these sorts of things.

user Organ Welshman | 24 days ago

100% agree Tawny. These hyper sensitive LGBLT alphabet people can give it but not take it. Every one of them I know is over sexualised, to the point that it is embarrassing to be with them. This poster just confirms that.

user Tawny | 24 days ago

Since when did Sant Sebastia become the patron saint of the gay community and the rest of the piggybacking alphabet crew?!? People make it up as they go! Hilarious! Deliberately mocking and insulting Christians is not OK in a Christian country. Especially coming from a group of people who often whinge about not being respected themselves! People just need to grow up and have a little more respect for each other. Go enjoy the party without feeling the need to blatantly advertise your sexual leanings!

tranq tranquer tranq tranquer | 25 days ago

JackyI think you may be missing the point. This poster is meant to promote the LBGTBIQ+ ( took me two go's to get it right) Sant Sebastià Fiesta which is not to my knowledge aimed at children . If you are worried that children might see the poster fixed to shop windows or trees and be confused, upset, coerced into having thoughts beyond their age and comprehension, then that is another matter entirely.Sant Sebastià You may find the artwork " confusing" but I submit young people have shown an ability time after time to far ahead of where adults expect them to be. Especially now as they have lived their entire existence in the digital age whilst most adults are still struggling to make the necessary adjustments. Happy 2025.

user Jacky | 25 days ago

What is important for myself here is what is the objective of this poster ? if it is meant to provoke an angry response from other politician´s that has been successful , I'm not a very strict Church person however I do believe we have a responsibility to protect the young people from confusing imagery such as have been depicted in this Artwork and there are many many young people around during these festivities and large quantities of Alcohol being consumed , Trust every one has Fun and think about the young people they will see and do enough later without help of this kind .

user Richard Pearson | 25 days ago

By the way Zoltan, it may be worth remembering that not so long ago, the leaders of the ultra leftwing party Podemos, eg Pablo Iglesias and Irene Montero, sued the author of a poem for €70.000 as they considered It to be sexist as far as their relationship was concerned. Look it up. The above mentioned snowflakes lost the case.

user Richard Pearson | 25 days ago

Zoltan TeglasSays the man who wouldn’t dare burn a Quran in front of a Mosque or draw what he thought looked like the Prophet Muhammad and post it on his Facebook page. Go on, prove me wrong, Zoltan. I’m waiting.

user Zoltan Teglas | 25 days ago

Organ WelshmanThe pathetic ones are the right wing snowflakes like vox - 'oh no, you can't make jokes about god or our religion - you should be fined/locked up/flogged'