Where are the Scandanvanians then
I think this table is mixed up, the Morrocan and Romanian figures actually represent the % of the prison population in Mallorca that nationality makes up.
Foreign property buyers in Spain British........ 8.37 percent Germans......6.8 percent Morrocans.....6.1 percent Romanians.....5.3 percent French...........5.2 percent Italians..........5.1 percent Dutch.............5.1 Belgiums........4.6 No Scandinavians?
@Zoltan, says an Eastern European living in Mallorca. Total hypocrisy.
TCHow has the arrival of thousands of rich northern Europeans helped local people? All it has done is massively increase rents and house prices. There has to be a balance and this was reached a long time ago.
This should be applied to all non residents
So, forcing out top end American and Non EU buyers, while inviting 300,000 thousand migrant workers from Africa is going to solve a housing crisis ? Maybe he can turn the affluent areas into street selling Barrios. Without Swedish investment, parts of Palma would still resemble the 70s Bronxs.
Sanchez is a Poundland Prime Minister, who will go soon. This will never happen, the guy is weak and full of 💩
I wonder how many of those bleating about this were cheering on Boris and his ilk while Brexit was being debated? Sometimes you get what you vote for.
27,000 is a drop in the ocean over the whole of Spain.Angela Raynor wants to build 1.5 million homes in the next five years , though I don’t know who they expect to build them.maybe Spain should start thinking about a house building program for its citizens .