tattoo tattoo | 2 months ago

oouoo oouooSo what ? How many of them own a property ? Probably 90% of them pay rent and live mostly in a places not attractive about anyone from the people here...Spain don't need

user Ulla Jackson | 2 months ago

David HollandNow Trump demands 5% to NATO. I guess it's a plausible excuse for the US to withdraw from NATO altogether.

user Ulla Jackson | 2 months ago

tattooNo it won't. It means you have never been to Hong Kong!

user Ulla Jackson | 2 months ago

DeanThis is not about a normal tourist. It's about buying properties which does not effect tourism as such.

user Zoltan Teglas | 2 months ago

oouoo oouooYou obviously belong to the Trump 'alternative facts' school. According to CIS in January 2025 - 42% think that Sanchez is the best leader the Spain. The next most popular is the PP leader with 17%. But hey, don't let your prejudice get in the way!

oouoo oouoo oouoo oouoo | 2 months ago

Zoltan TeglasSánchez (Spain, Jan 2025): has a net satisfaction rate of minus 35 making him just slightly worse than Starmer in the UK But don't let facts get in the way SOURCE Ipsos Survey Jan 2025 result -35

oouoo oouoo oouoo oouoo | 2 months ago

tattooThere are 50,000 Moroccan and Algerian families that have migrated to the Balearics during the past 8 years. Why do Socialists never ever address the actual elephant in the room.

Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | 2 months ago

tattooThat may be true in Calvia, but there's plenty of space in the other 3600 sq. Km. The issue this programme targets is property buyers who don't live here. Some claim it's all about speculation, but there's far better places to property flip, because unless you own and live in the property for more than 10 years, selling it is subject to some pretty hefty tax penalties. There's far better places to "speculate". Most properties purchased by foreigners are to live in as residents, which this programme doesn't apply to. But a significant number are 2nd homes for holiday use, commonly used a few weeks to half the year (many Germans, the main buyers here, spend the winters here and summers in Germany). With respect to non-EU buyers who aren't resident, this is a pretty small contingent of buyers, and so this programme (if in the unlikely event it's ever implemented) will have no significant impact anyway. In any case, the only thing that will have the desired impact is to prohibit any foreign buying for any reason. Aside from the highly questionable legality of this (it would certainly be cancelled before it ever saw the light of day), it would also have severe economic impacts, and therefore also highly unlikely.

tattoo tattoo | 2 months ago

The house purchase should be baned for all non residents in the Balearics ! The islands are quite limited and there are just few more building plots left, so extreeme measures should be taken very soon ! If NOT, some day the islands will look like Hong Kong...

TC TC | 2 months ago

This is typical Sanchez. Get onboard everyone. The PP government's wont alow it in their regions so Sanchez will blame the right for the housing crisis. Snake. How did his bill of immunity from prosecution turn out ? Perhaps that should be headline news instead of this.