Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | 28 days ago

Richard PearsonProbably arrived on a rubber raft in the middle of the night?

user Richard Pearson | 28 days ago

Says a reader with Mallorquin surname that goes back centuries.

Olaf Bachmann Olaf Bachmann | 28 days ago

Brexiterspoon can right piss off.

Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | 29 days ago

tranq tranquerWhat is it with Brits and carpet anyway? It seems to be a "must" for a British abode. It's not healthy, home to all kinds of nasty stuff, difficult to keep clean, and especially here in Spain, completely impractical. Out of the few Brits (well, English) that ever booked any of our places, two complained that the floors weren't carpeted (they're tiled) What's up with that?

tranq tranquer tranq tranquer | 29 days ago

Richard PearsonOf course there are, but are they up to the task of a Wetherspoon sticky carpet. One thing stands out. Tim Martin has built himself a niche in the pub and hospitality market .

user Richard Pearson | 29 days ago

AntoniMy dog never complained, although admittedly it was generally late at night. And Tranq, surely there must be fitted carpet cleaning companies on the Island.

Sibe Mento Sibe Mento | 30 days ago

Maybe Tim Martin is looking for a golden visa so he doesn't have to live in the old tinpot kingdom after realising he contributed to turning it to a steaming pile of plop?

tranq tranquer tranq tranquer | 30 days ago

Organ WelshmanAnd Wetherspoons, did you go to one of those ? I thought not . A chain that is about as low down the ladder as its possible to get before you reach the Salvos' soup kitchens. ( No offence to the good work of the Salvos ). A perfect example as we try to wriggle our way out of the mass tourism model of what we do not need. Sticky carpet comes as a requirement.

user Antoni | 30 days ago

As a Mallorquin but living in the UK and knowing of Whetherspoon, the disgusting food they serve, not fit to even feed a dog, as well as their disgusting toilets, I sincerely hope they are never allowed to operate on the beautiful Island of Mallorca that I love. The Mallorcan government should never under any circumstances allow this to happen,NEVER,NEVER,NEVER!!!!

user Ulla Jackson | 30 days ago

Organ WelshmanNever heard such BS!