user Les Chase | 29 days ago

tranq tranquerWith quite a large cost to get to Mallorca with a motorhome, the tourist side would be a specialist limited market. As for parking outside peoples homes, I live SW Hampshire close to the coast, and we get people parking motorhomes up for the summer for free outside expensive homes and parking areas with fantastic views. The few bad motorhomers make it bad for a majority of genuine motorhomes. Perhaps one could have a visiter tariff, say €20 per week on entry per planned stay, and have to show the return off the island ferry, otherwise a €200 entry fee. This could also include a windscreen sticker to show the fee has been paid. All local island motorhomes could have a residency sticker to prove residency on the island.

tranq tranquer tranq tranquer | about 1 month ago

Les ChaseI partly agree. Set up decent dedicated campsites where these people can live and go to work. They don't want to be on a street in front of someone's house. However do not under any circumstances open the islands up to motorhome and caravan tourism. That way lies insanity and we will all live to regret it.

user Tawny | about 1 month ago

TCSounds like you want to just squash these people like they are ants! Let's hope you're never left homeless through sheer bad luck. You should be thanking your lucky stars for the roof over your head - even if you worked your butt off to get there. In this uncertain and unstable world, things can change in an instant! Try a little empathy.

user Les Chase | about 1 month ago

Just TogetpublishedSome possibly parked in people's driveways or on private property and will be used when the spring / summer arrives and they could head to Europe for holidays or breaks.

user Just Togetpublished | about 1 month ago

I also wonder what happened to the other 4,800 that the government thinks there are on the island.

user Les Chase | about 1 month ago

Build some resort campsites at the rear of resorts on open land with showers, toilets and water disposal places, one for chemical and one for grey water. Electric hook up to keep the fridges running, rather than gas. Have the sites fenced in with barriers and landscape the sites to stop unauthorised entry. Keep site visit to say 14 or 28 days in any 90 days. As I have said in the past, motorhomes could or would spend money supporting local bars and restaurants, possibly spending more than all inclusive visitors. Also with a good bus network throughout the island, why not use public transport than clog up the roads and leave the motorhome at the site for days out. Motorhomes can be more luxurious inside than some good hotel rooms. I would love to bring my 6 meter motorhome to Mallorca as part of a trip to Europe in future for a few day sand stay on a proper campsite hassle free.

user Tawny | about 1 month ago

This so terribly wrong and I feel @Brisket's frustration.i am now convinced that the gooberment here just sits around deciding who they apply fines to next! Such punitive measures solve nothing, but certainly make THEIR pockets fatter. And isn't it rather obvious to these numbskull dictators that people who have to resort to living in vehicles would never be able to pay the fines anyway?! Oh well, end up paying for their prison bed and food instead - bureaucratic fools! Such retarded, tunnel vision thinking!

user Zoltan Teglas | about 1 month ago

Where were the other 4,800?

user Chris | about 1 month ago

BrisketTotally correct. A rich yacht owner can drop anchor 50m off the beach in any of our most beautiful bays and do whatever they want at zero cost, they can stay there as long as they want with no restrictions on the number of people onboard. Yet a motorhome owner who has nowhere else to stay will be fined a lot of money for doing the exact same thing in a quiet side street!

user Brisket | about 1 month ago

What a shocking propsal. Stopping people sleeping in form of transport with beds in, or maybe anywhere that isn't deemed a home would solve no major issues I'm aware of, and eventually punish us all. It seems fundamentally wrong. And for what purpose? If the purpose is to stop illegal encampments, make a law to stop that, not fine people for sleeping in a vehicle. And how will they prove people are actually asleep in places? What if we sleep in the day instead and stay awake at night? Are we allowed a siesta in a work van? What about sleeping in boats? They are transport too, surely? Why not fine yacht owners for sleeping overnight for no particular reason? they do cause unsightliness in our beautiful bays, boats are for going places, not sleeping in! (At least a few of them would actually be able to pay 1500 a night! ) It's all so anti human.