user Ulla Jackson | about 1 month ago

Darwin DI doubt 100000 hire cars are on the roads at the same time.

user Chris | about 1 month ago

TawnyTry asking some Soller residents about the traffic issues!

user Redbaron | about 1 month ago

Better public transport come to mind, it takes nearly 2 hours for me to get to work if I would take the bus. This is shocking 😲

Darwin D Darwin D | about 1 month ago

Daily 100 000 extra cars on roads everyday in peak season.... Great.

user Que Pasa? | about 1 month ago

I have no statistics for you, but I get the feeling there is far too much car ownership on the island. I've seen residents (including Brits) get into their cars and drive 50 yards to a supermarket/bar or whatever. I gave up driving on the island a while ago due to so much traffic and drink/drug driving. I'd rather walk or get the bus.

tattoo tattoo | about 1 month ago

Yep, we have traffic jams during the winter, but in the summer with the rental cars they become huge and worst !

user Tawny | about 1 month ago

I can honestly say i have never experienced a traffic jam or parking problems when i have been to Soller! Maybe i'm just super lucky and I have been all times of the year.

user Rick | about 1 month ago

Such annoying ignorant comments. Car rentals obviously do not help (duh) but indeed are not the main issue. Traffic bugs me a lot in February when rental cars are but a drop. It’s poor infrastructure planning and traffic flow management. Tons of locals now clog the secondary roads because they avoid de Via Cintura, which makes matters worse. The hypocritical blaming of tourists who feed so many on the island should stop. There are more cars per family here than virtually anywhere else, ever thought of that?!

Stephen Niven Stephen Niven | about 1 month ago

I guarantee you I could drive into Sóller right now and find a parking space in 2 minutes. In 6 months, new ZBE notwithstanding, it might take me half an hour or mean a 20 minute walk. Based on observation from previous years, at least a third of cars on the bypass, car parks and blue roadside bays have hire stickers in peak season. Here's an idea. If they are so convinced they are not the problem, have all registered hire cars fitted with a time clock and make the companies pay the council €5 an hour for every hour they are being driven between 07:00-09:00 and 16:00-18:00. I thought not!

user Zoltan Teglas | about 1 month ago

Those 100,000 hire cars in the summer months don't add any extra traffic to Mallorca's roads - none at all!