Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | about 1 month ago

CompoWhen did I say that anti tourist groups don't share the same sentiments? I'm talking about average everyday Mallorquin adults, (many of whom are actually benefitting greatly from foreign buyers and tourism). Not kids following a trendy topic.

user Compo | about 1 month ago

Morgan WilliamsWith respect, knowing lots of mallorquíns does not support your statement that the anti tourism groups ‘ do not reflect the overwhelming opinion of adult Mallorquins’. It may be your personal experience with your circle of friends but that is all. The message to the world is that mallorquins do not want tourists. If that is not the case then mallorquines need to stand up and say so, but they are not.

tattoo tattoo | about 1 month ago

Soon the rage will become furious ! The local people are too polite to hate you directly, but very soon they will ! Honestly i love this graffity ! Mallorca is primary their home..

Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | about 1 month ago

CompoIt's not adults scribbling this graffiti. I know lots of Mallorquins. Closely. And I don't know one who would share the same sentiments. Not one.

user Compo | about 1 month ago

Morgan WilliamsYou say “ It doesn't reflect the overwhelming opinion of adult Mallorquins though. Yet the media (particularly British tabloid media) has completely framed it that way”. What do you expect? You don’t have any data (or do you?) to support your first statement and the messaging is clear and so will be reported as such. If there was a ‘welcome tourist’ campaign running alongside, then maybe the media could report some balance. But there isn’t and the takeaway is “kill a tourist” (etc etc)

Morgan Williams Morgan Williams | about 1 month ago

What is the main purpose of graffiti? To get attention. This one is no different. It's one or two kids hoping to get some media attention. Like "kill a tourist". It doesn't reflect the overwhelming opinion of adult Mallorquins though. Yet the media (particularly British tabloid media) has completely framed it that way. But Brits aren't the "rich foreigners" that buy most property here. It's the other 80+%. Brits used to buy mainly lower priced apartments. But that's in decline too. So it's questionable whether all the hyperbole will make any difference. Just another day in tabloid land.

user Compo | about 1 month ago

It is those rich foreign property owners who pump most into the local economy through taxes, shops, restaurants etc. It would serve the morons who write this stuff right if all these rich people left for countries where they are welcome. Then watch Mallorca’s economy collapse. Focus on the gov that refuses to build affordable housing for local people and something positive might actually be achieved

user Sage Advice | about 1 month ago

The local government takes in over 300,000 euros on the sale of a 3 million euro property, I would imagine if even 1/3 of the land transfer tax was used for affordable housing it would go a long way to elevate the current affordable housing shortage.

user Rick | about 1 month ago

Instead of prohibiting foreigners buying expensive properties… why not prohibit Mallorquins SELLING to those same foreigners?! Hypocrites and uneducated morons.

user Niloc | about 1 month ago

This paper does not miss a trick printing negative stories.