Steve PickeringI'm from the UK. More specifically east London, even more specifically Hackney. Maybe in the past four years since I escaped it has got a lot worse. Previously, all my life I didn't see people injecting on the streets. Everyone else, I'm very well travelled and have never seen people on the street in front of the house I live in injecting heroin in the middle of an afternoon. Only in Palma.
Sibe MentoCome to the UK and watch them shooting up in public. Nothing getting done about thugs rampaging through shops. Shoplifting and security doing nothing about it.
Sibe MentoGet out much?
Sibe MentoYou need to get out more, it happens in every big city.
Sibe MentoOnly in Palma? Clearly you haven’t been to many cities.
Palma - the only place in the world I have seen people injecting heroin on the streets in broad daylight. Palma - the only place in the world I have seen an on duty police officer smoking. Herein lies the problem — the police do nothing.
I also live nearby and know the area well. It doesn't really compare to Correa, La Soledad and Son Gotleu in what people think of as rough areas.
Zoltan TeglasIt's a bit more lively than most areas. I live reasonably close and pass through on average twice a day. The problems that I see are mainly internal between the various groups. If the prostitute alley was closed down and the cheap alcohol shops as well, you would see a change, but that change would become another barrio's problem. What to do? I don't kin know, it's just kicking the can down the road.
Who come up with these stories? It must be the most expensive (property) no go area in Europe. So there some 'down and outs' around there at times. Like every other city in Europe then.
Sibe MentoAgree with you that police here pretty useless. But as per other commenters.. I see cities all over the world filthy, violent and full of drug abuse for all to see. Been in San Francisco recently? Buenos Aires? Jo’burg?