user Andrew Ede | over 8 years ago

It would depend on how old your son is. Under 16 and there is no charge. Therefore it would be seven euros plus seventy cents VAT. Over 16, fourteen euros plus 1.40 cents VAT.

user Jennie | over 8 years ago

Me & my son are going to calas de Mallorca for 7 nights in a 3 star hotel does any one know how much tourist tax we have got to pay.

user Andrew Ede | over 8 years ago

This is an old report. The tax will now be introduced on 1 July. For a three-star the rate is one euro per person per day, with this going down by 50% after the eighth day. Under-16s are not charged.

user Larry | over 8 years ago

We are in Ibiza starting 27th June to 11th July. How much tax will we be liable for in a 3 star hotel

user David Hunt | over 8 years ago

Booked holiday last year and just been informed by thomson today.It should be part of total holiday price and not included if you have already booked.Will definitely think before going back to Balearics.It will put people off as most people have tight budgets

user gary | over 8 years ago

this new tax is a con we booked for 14 nights in Menorca and was told nothing by the tour operator till about 4 weeks ago by e-mail I phoned up and was told they had only just found out !!!!!!! never con a con I hope this does not come back on the hoteliers when the bookings start to drop and they will ? when people have to pay another £56 approx for 2 people for a fortnights holiday just wait.

user Carlos | over 8 years ago

Hi,Deborah: Yes you will have to pay for 4 days.Mike: Yes it applies also on business trips. Actually even residents have to pay the tax if they sleep a night at an hotel. You get a discount of 50% starting the 9th day (not 10 as stated above).You can calculate the exact amount at:

user Mike | over 8 years ago

I've already booked apartments for 15 days 3 adults 2 kids so I guess 3x 15 X 2 90 euros Does it apply to business trips? Cos I just decided our trip is a business trip We're all taking our iPads and will be working What happened to free movement within the EU for EU citizens ?

user Deborah Bagnall | over 8 years ago

I have booked a holiday to Majorca for 27th June for a week. As the tax is being introduced on 1st July (as stated in the press today), will I have to pay for 4 days?? It seems no one has the answers!

user Elaine | over 8 years ago

I booked my holiday july 2015 to go to ibiza july 2016 we were not informed and think its wrong to charge this if you have already booked. Also it says depending on your accomedation depends how much you are charged so why are we not informed as to what accomedation . Need my answers please