user Sara | over 8 years ago

Ron: Just to clarify, I was not referring to you when I mentioned ‘anti-catalan troll’. It was someone who yesterday referred to Catalan as an “artificial dead language” and the previous day said “the Catalan dialect is a joke” but offered little else in the way of argument.

user Simon Tow | over 8 years ago

Sara, what I meant was that the Mallorquins are proud of their "language" whereas the Catalans consider it to be a "dialect". Of course, Madriz considers both to be "foreign".

user Ron | over 8 years ago

This government is being paid huge salaries to waste time debating about stupid issues - changing a name - or vowel here & there. They want the catalán -when it suits them. (They like Cala Rajada but not the catalán Cala Ratjada). Maybe someone said they don't want the word RAT appearing. By the way I am not an anti catalán troll. It is a very rich language when used properly, which personally, with all the dialects, I do not find here. We live in a bi-lingual autonomy and we should not have the imposition of a language which is useless within the framework of a modern Europe, of which Spain needs to be a big player. Instead the government should be resolving the main problems of this island - corruption from the politicians themselves, corruption within the police, a bad image throughout Europe due to their dislike of tourists (the island can't survive on potatoes, sobrasada and ensaimadas alone), the mugging prostitutes, the fake goods, the trileros & beggars and the drunkenness - every year they say the problems have been resolved and they never are, and of course the introduction of an unfair and unworkable eco-tasa, which is so badly thought out will bring this government down before too long anyway.

user Larry HENSON | over 8 years ago

Its just the forerunner so they can up the tax. They really cannot have anything to do!

user Sara | over 8 years ago

Simon: what 'exactly' do the Mallorquins say about the Catalans (apart from disliking them)? That the Catalans don't know whether what they speak is a dialect or a language?!! I was referring solely to the fact that yesterday 'troll' referred to Catalan as a language whereas the day before he referred to it as a 'dialect'.

user Globetrotter | over 8 years ago

Palma will be ok as the spelling and pronunciation not changed in any language,but what about Ibiza and Mahon? Eivissa and Mao? No idea mate,somewhere in Spain I think, ask the pilot,he'll know.

user Simon Tow | over 8 years ago

Sara, that's exactly what the Mallorquins say about the Catalans.

user Steve Riches | over 8 years ago

Just let them get on with their silly time-wasting, it's pathetic. As I said the other day with 62 places in the world named Palma, the travel industry will almost certainly continue using Palma de Mallorca just to avoid confusion for tourists booking tickets/holidays. Similarly the BBC weather site continues to insist on Palma de Mallorca/ Son Sant Joan airport.

user Simon Tow | over 8 years ago

Worse than wanting to change the name, they are demanding that the local government, the Consell and the Palma ( de Mallorca ) town hall, be allowed to have a say in running the airport.

user STAN JESSOP | over 8 years ago

NOW THEN, ARE YOU FLYING TO PALMA ?---or-- ARE YOU FLYING TO PARMA ?.To be the Airport question, or not to be the the question !.