user Fred-T | over 8 years ago

Are Nigerian drug sellers exempt?

user Steve | over 8 years ago

The comments below notwithstanding, now that we're seeing many more young British tourists on the island again, with their total disregard for any by-laws, along with the all-but absence of Police, how else could the bus operators avoid drunkeness or spillage of drinks on the buses ?

user Ian Morrison | over 8 years ago

If only those 40 people on the Valldrmossa bus that went on fire (Ultima Hora Wednesday) were allowed water they could have put the fire put!

user Sara | over 8 years ago

This news article is incorrect. The new rules say "...dentro del bus no se podrá comer ni beber, EXCEPTO agua sin gas". Your reporter needs to improve his/her Spanish! Of course they can't ban still water!

user Adrían | over 8 years ago

The picture is from 2012. My mistake. The news article is recent.

user Adrián | over 8 years ago

This is an news article from 2012. Anyone had any problems with water on the bus the last four years?

user Steve Riches | over 8 years ago

Totally dim to ban water - are they seriously suggesting that on a long journey at height of summer I now cannot take a swig of water from a small plastic bottle?

user Sheila | over 8 years ago

Bottles of water might come in handy, considering two bus fires this week!

user Doris | over 8 years ago

I presume that small children are exempt .............

user Ann Morrison | over 8 years ago

The bus journey from Cala Egos to Cala Ratjada takes two hours. I think in August passengers would be dehydrated and need to be dropped off at the local PAC.