user Mike | over 8 years ago

Looks like Ron watches too many tesco adverts on TVs ( sic)

user Andrew Ede | over 8 years ago

Can "holidaymaker" with an email address starting with a "t", please change the nickname so as to not conflict with the reader with the same name. Thank you.

user holidaymaker | over 8 years ago

Dont know whats going on with this site but the last comment made by me 2 hours ago was not me ??? I was at work !!!!!!!!!!

user holidaymaker | over 8 years ago

Far to early to think of it a success, as most of us only found out about the tax, several weeks after booking our holiday. You can only class it as successful if you retain the same number of visitors next year, I for one know people who once told able the tax have booked elsewere this year

user Simon Tow | over 8 years ago

Thanks Ron, sun is shining so yes, I am happy. Two things. Firstly, Barceló and co quoted 40 million, not me. Secondly, the last time a similar tax was introduced, the PP swiftly got rid of it. Not only do they live here but they also win more votes than any other party here on the islands.

user Ron Burgundy | over 8 years ago

Simon, no your quoted figure of €40 million (sic) is not enough. There's your answer.Happy now?Everybody else seems to be - apart from a few moaning individuals on this forum, who probably don't even live here.

user Holidaymaker | over 8 years ago

The way the Spanish are talking about the Tourists it's obvious they don't want Tourists . My advice would be for people book to go elsewhere next year and if there's no tourists then there will be no reason to clear up do no tax needed .

user Holidaymaker | over 8 years ago

Lots of my friends and family are talking about Croatia next year as its really a beautiful place and good prices

user David Sumner | over 8 years ago

The holiday companies have put up the price of our holiday by £200. The line has dropped. I had to pay 1.65.€ per person per night tax, so although we love Mallorca and have been going there sometimes twice a year for many years, this tax has put the tin lid on it. We will be holidaying in the UK from now on. Sorry!

user Simon Tow | over 8 years ago

Ron, I must say it´s a very strange answer from someone who apparently owes his living to us tourists. So you are basically telling your customers that as they are a messy lot they must pay a tax ( plus IVA ) so that the authorities can afford to clean up after them. I thought the tourists in Cala Ratjada had a bit more self respect than that. Will this years 40 million be enough, or will some of it be spent on something else ?. Please be honest with your answer.