user Cinders | over 8 years ago

Dave has produced a more lively reaction amongst possible taxi and bus users than the protest. Thanks be for free speech but we need airport buses to keep up with other venues. Get real.

user Lawrie | over 8 years ago

I agree with Juan. Can't we all just get on. There must be lots of very decent taxi drivers on the island just trying to make a living just like we all do or have done. With a bit of tweaking I'm sure all the transport businesses can live side by side no problem. As for Juan's spelling? Get real please!

user David | over 8 years ago

Regardless of the taxi debate...I am glad to see that 'Dave' (who my of course be a troll but somehow I doubt it) garnered probably the highest red marks of any post I have seen on MDB. So my faith is restored. unfortunately there are a lot of 'Daves' on Mallorca. You know them...they can barely read or write but they made their money in double glazing in the UK or here, ripping off expats with various building activities. They are the big guys you see driving just second hand BMW 4x4s around Portals. They are the guys wearing crap designer gear and gold rings. They are why the locals tend to dislike us. I am still reeling from his appalling comments but most of you voted against him, so we'll done!

user Henry James | over 8 years ago

So,Juan G, according to you anybody that puts a comment on this site in English is ''alls english morrons'' well,at least most of them can spell and punctuate and they could not possibly be Irish,Welsh,Scots,American,Canadian,Australian,New Zealanders or from any other English speaking nation or from any other country in the world but just speak and write in English better than you do. By the way,these ''english morrons'' probably contribute to more than 50% of your earnings,perhaps you should cease to accept fairs from ''english morrons''.?

user joe jopling | over 8 years ago

The contract has been awarded....all the new vehicles bought......and now they protest???? Too late...

user Mr B | over 8 years ago

It seems like a good use of the Tourist Tax to buy new buses. Taxi drivers tend drive really badly and too fast. The taxi I was travelling in stopped in the middle of the motorway to answer his phone. I was petrified. Give me the bus any day.

user holidaymaker | over 8 years ago

Buses to Resorts are a great idea for people travelling alone or residents. Lots of people will continue to use taxi's but it would be nice to have a choice. Public transport is the way forward and the taxi drivers are just thinking about themselves. Many airports have good public transport links at the so why should Palma be any different. The taxi's have had it too good for too long. As for people thinking people who get buses are poor or old ??? Thats a joke !!!

user Mike | over 8 years ago

It's moron mate and money not monies and you make less money not monies only ignorant foreigner is you

user David | over 8 years ago

If anyone agrees with Dave's comment then I give up on all humanity among our ex pat community here. No wonder the locals dislike us. Grade A idiot, can't spell either.

user Dave | over 8 years ago

Busses are for poor people. Getting on a bus with a huge suitcase and other luggage is not practical. All the people on here saying its great are either poor, old or both. We dont need cheapskate old people spending no money on this Island. I am with the taxi drivers.