user Pete1 | over 7 years ago

Thanks for that insight Mike. We are all enlightened. Just out of interest, did you go to school? If you did it seems you must have missed the days where they did English.

user Mike | over 7 years ago

IF Pete has any money it's obvious he hasn't earned it he is more than likely one of those who inherited through his family's hard work but then if he had a brain he wouldn't be in mallorca

user Ged | over 7 years ago

Pete is entitled to his point of view. Mallorca is a beautiful island with and the local people are among the friendliest I have met. I honestly want the best for the islanders, particularly jobs for the younger generation. If that means pricing the likes of me out, then so be it.

user Sally | over 7 years ago

Pete sounds like a very angry man. Do I care, no as I am sitting in our villa enjoying the sunshine at the moment. Lets not get greedy its not attractive.

user DaveR | over 7 years ago

Pete.... How dare you. I have been visiting the island for the past 20 years. I'm not at rich person, I do not stay AI BUT I do put my hard earned money back into the local economy. " Cheap people go to cheap resorts " Rich people buy a yatch....

user Pete. | over 7 years ago

I would increase the tax to €20/day, if people can't afford that, then they have no right to holiday on such a small congested Island. Mallorca needs to go up-market, so if people want to go to Croatia instead, then good riddance. Cheap people go to cheap resorts!

user brian | over 7 years ago

Tourist are an easy target, but targets move.

user Ged | over 7 years ago

i have no problem with Mallorca charging whatever it wants for tourist tax. I simply work out how much it will cost me overall. So for the past 3 years I've visited Mallorca twice a year. This year I went to Puerto Pollenca in March but my main 3 week holiday will be to Rovinj in Croatia. It works out 60% of the cost of a similar holiday to Mallorca.

user zaax | over 7 years ago

Croatia is looking better and better next year

user S. | over 7 years ago

JAN AMTRUP ---As long as the tourist does not pay any further taxation, or price increase. The Hire Car Companies are already ripping off Tourists, with their hidden tricks and charging. The thousands of Hire Cars , now part of ALL INCLUSIVE packages, are choking up the Island during the Season.