user derek hayday | over 6 years ago

great paper

user John Martin | over 6 years ago

Our flight into Palma from belfast was 50 mins late upon arrival. We were then subject to a 2 hr delay getting through passport control resulting in us arriving at our hotel at 3.00am. I thought there was free movement of people in the EU - This is a disgrace in 2017!

user Peter Briggs | over 7 years ago

We landed Palma airport on Saturday night at 9pm after a visit to the UK. The queue for passport control was huge and reached back into Terminal A - mainly due to the fact there was only one policeman machine checking passports and the much vaunted automated passport readers were switched off. It gives the impression that Madrid are actively punishing the Brits and not just in Gibraltar.

user Andy Rawson | over 7 years ago

I know people who regularly take coach trips from the UK to Europe. They dream of only having a two hour delay at the tunnel.

user Andrew Ede | over 7 years ago

There wouldn't be passport control on an internal flight, but carry a passport for ID purposes.

user max lewis | over 7 years ago

I am flying from Mallorca to MenorcaDoes anyone know if I have to go through passport control ie arrive at the airport hours early. Have tried to e mail the airport to find out but they do not seem to have an e mail addressthanks for your help max

user Steve Riches | over 7 years ago

Not only was there a 150 metre corridor-wide queue to get into Terminal A so we could leave, our flight never did appear on any airport screen and even when we got to the gate we thought it may be, we were Luton with easyJet and the Gate we had to use said Ryanair East Midlands. Some passengers never made it so we had to wait longer while their hold baggage was off-loaded. Chaos.

user Geoff Dominy | over 7 years ago

I hate to point out the obvious but given some of the unsavoury tourists we have had over the last couple of months, should we not be expediting their departure rather than have them stay longer? Maybe we should be more selective when they arrive!

user Dave | over 7 years ago

I came for the weekend last week and waited so long at passport control I had to grab some food in the terminal and go straight home again!

user Tracy Dickie | over 7 years ago

I have been flying to Palma two to three times per year for the last 11 years and the longest I have had to wait is about 10 minutes. My passport is rarely scanned just a visual check. Much less time to wait than at London Gatwick North Terminal where the longest wait was 45 minutes.