user BT | over 7 years ago

Club !!! in most clubs members can vote out the leaders, unlike the EU. Trade experts say that EU trade is due to fall by 7 to 22. % over the next ten years. So not quite a great as you may think.

user andreas | over 7 years ago

Someone's been reading The Daily Fail again. I'm sure every country has illegal immigrants - what's that to do with the mascochistic foolhardiness of voting to leave one of the world's strongest economic 'clubs'?

user Schoolteacher | over 7 years ago

Andreas: fine, as long as the remainers pay for the upkeep and cost of illegal immigrants living in the UK.

user THNT | over 7 years ago

Jason, by suggesting that UK citizens who elected to leave the EU we’re ignorant about their decision is very very arrogant. You may not agree with their decision but is has to respected. I for one did not vote to leave but had many discussions with well informed citizens who voiced well informed arguments to why the EU is not working for the UK and other member stated.

user RBMM | over 7 years ago

Jason Moore writes IF Britain leaves the EU ...... At this point there is no other option, sadly enough. With potential trade wars created by MAGA-Donald the Brexit choice doesn't look so good.

user Andreas | over 7 years ago

I propose a Brexit tax. All those who voted for Brexit can pay for it.

user Lizz | over 7 years ago

I agree that there are many who voted to leave would now change their minds, myself included. We were not given the full facts by the remain campaigners, instead they concentrated on the fear element. The leave campaigners omitted to tell the public the full truth. Now we can all see the true effects of leaving I think we should be given the opportunity to vote again

user MelB | over 7 years ago

An anagram of Jason Moore is MAJOR NOOSE, which is just what he is putting around his own neck each time he regurgitates this uninformed muddled diatribe on Brexit. If he is so concerned should he not move back to the UK and make his voice heard there. We have certainly heard enough of it in Mallorca.

user Gary MacFee | over 7 years ago

As with many of my fellow SCOTS, I voted to STAY IN EUROPE since I have many Business Customers and Personal Friends in several european countries.The information supplied to the UK population prior to the REFERENDUM by the BREXITEERS now appears to be something you should SCRAPE OFF THE FLOOR AND PUT BACK IN THE HORSE.I suspect that the PRO-BREXIT Voters and Politicians are suffering fron a severe case of CRANIO-RECTAL INVERSION

user Britbabe | over 7 years ago

Henry James - You criticize Jason Moore for his " speculative garbage" but then go on to give some of your own ( we may have a rough patch, we will be better off etc ). Bit of hypocrisy here methinks. I do agree with you though, that the Mallorca Daily Bulletin should concentrate and comment more on Mallorcan events. We Brits who chose to make Mallorca our home want to know all about the place we now live in, NOT the place we left.