user tara | over 5 years ago

love majorca.. have been going every year for a long time. however will not be going again will go to the del sol no charges there.

user Jason Burgess | over 5 years ago

Got back from Mallorca on Sunday 28th October and had a charge of €92.40 made by the hotel on my debit card the following Tuesday (for a party of 4 adults holidaying for 7 nights). I wasn't made aware of this (computer was down when I checked out and nobody was on the desk). I had to question the hotel company as to why I had this charge levied. If it was made clear on check in or informed ahead of the holiday by TUI, I would've been prepared.

user eric rogers | over 5 years ago

Not long got back from Ibiza i love this island but no more was charged double from last year they are taking the piss as other people have said they wont see me again which is a shame because we have met some nice people over the years and this inculeds the locals.So come on Balearics get your act together and scrap the tourist tax.

user John Arthurs | over 5 years ago

Mallorca is a beautiful island. At least the island authorities have woken up to the fact that the tourist trade, whilst an economic necessity, places incresingly unsustainable burdens on infrastructure. The rise of the 'hit and run' tourism of the cruise liners have exacerbated this, and local people are priced out of the local housing market by landlords cashing in on AirB&B and lucrative tourist lets (just as in Barcelona and other tourist cities). I think the tourist tax is a small price to pay in principle to fund infrastructure maintenance. British tourists need to be aware that the the antics of some of our compatriots is a hot political and social issue in Spain and the Balearic Islands. To those who think the Mallorcan people will miss them if they don't come back, don't worry, after Brexit most of us will not be able to afford it anyway. We can leave the beaches to the Germans!

user chris cogan | over 5 years ago

the main reason given at the full council of Balearics ive read, states they are trying to cut the numbers of tourists coming...well they got me.., short sighted or what ? and , if they tourists continue to come.. will they stop the tax as a failed experiment.......err, i think not, but they do think the tourists are stupid ,big mistake.

user paul noble | over 5 years ago

congratulations menorca I have been coming to your island since the 1960,s double tourist tax!!!!!!! you are joking! you won't see me any more! so greedy so commercially unaware! so many other places to see!

user Peter collin | over 6 years ago

Just back from me orca paid 73euros for 2wks noticed all the roads freshly tarmac we dodge pot holes tax Europeans and tarmac British roads. By the way will not go to Balearics ever again

user brian irlam | over 6 years ago

we have been going to majorca for a long time now but was disgusted with the tourist tax doubled from last year and less seemed to have been done stayed cala bona beaches were still covered in dead seaweed the third week in may before any attempt to clean them a lot of places still not open ready for season i think the greedy people who put the tax up should think about giving the tourist a bonus to come because a lot people we met will not be coming again

user Molly malone | over 6 years ago

Well been coming to Majorca every may for years, not coming this year, think this is very greedy and something that will keep being increased each year whilst people are paying it.

user Carole | over 6 years ago

This has become far too greedy. The island is not that “unique”, turquoise sea, white sand, stunning mountain range are aplenty elsewhere. The world is out there and their is beauty in so many other parts of the world. Venice and Florence can charge these rates as they have something “unique” to see. Time will tell, but I strongly feel that it will affect the restaurants, bars and shops in the middle range resorts in the future. Already hit the British press.