user S. | over 6 years ago

@ Kick and @ David. Although not relavent to this Article. The Grenfell Tragedy occurred,( NOT FROM SHEER STUPIDITY ), but a Fridge caught fire, and the fire escalated rapidly.from that apartment . .

user David Sumner | over 6 years ago

And their names are.........? from Consett, Co Durham

user Gasty McGaston | over 6 years ago

I'm forever listening to the Spanish complaining about British holiday makers doing This, doing that, causing trouble, drinking too much, etc etc...If it wasn't for the British holiday makers then the Spanish would basically have no economy, they wouldn't have the vast amount of tourism related jobs and basically they would be a very poor country. Tourism is what keeps Spain and Spanish Islands ticking over. There are bad apples everywhere and there was no need for these people to be so stupid for this to happen, but accidents do occur with do many people visiting! Just stop your complaining about British tourists all the time because without them you simply could not survive!!

user portlanders | over 6 years ago

So where do they stay, how do they pay for accommodation & food, etc in the meantime? - i mean they cannot work as they have no passport.Think it would be best for the island just to deport them and give them lifelong bans from spanish territory.

user Matt | over 6 years ago

Why did you mention that he was a catholic??? Just curious !!

user David Dechel | over 6 years ago

@Kick: What does the hotelier's religion have to do with the incident? What the young Britons did was inexcusable and obviously criminal and there is absolutely no need to attempt to dilute the blame. What may or may not have aggravated the situation is a completely different question. Of cause the hotel should be fined if they were doing something illegal, but did they actually do that (Ref.: The fire in the 24-storey Grenfell Tower in London June 14, 2017)?

user kick up, not down | over 6 years ago

I think the Catholic hotel owner should be arrested and pay a large amount of fine for using this type of life-threatening mattress, ie flammable, cheap foam plastics.Would it be enough for a bed smoker to fall asleep to make the hotel burn down?Ref.: The fire in the 24-storey Grenfell Tower in London June 14, 2017

user Win Winwood | over 6 years ago

Their parents will have to find it. They should have brought them up to behave better. Could be they’re on benefits though and then us mugs will be paying it

user James | over 6 years ago

To be filed under: "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes".

user Les C | over 6 years ago

Rather than just the €30000 bond, how about making these so called people pay the €200 000 or more for all the expenses. They should put in places where their labour can be kept an eye on. They should have no family or friend contact whilst working to pay off their damage. If they need up in jail, add all jail expenses to their bills. Again remove their passports for life on return to the UK or wherever. Also put out publicity leaflets to youngsters to show what could happen to them, if they cause trouble.