user Helen | over 6 years ago

Last August as a resident of 30+ years I went on a cruise from Palma. What I noticed when we docked was that no taxis were waiting to collect even though there were at least 90 passengers queuing. Everywhere else we visited in Italy & France - the taxis were all there and waiting. It is the same when there is a concert. The taxi drivers can easily find out when it will finish so why are they not waiting close by. Seals concert in Santa Ponsa springs to mind. You are a business. Competition is healthy. Pull your socks up and look at other ways to improve your business.

user I love Mallorca | over 6 years ago

Very well said Holiday Maker, the same will be said of the restaurant owners as well, Too much government interference , you can not legislate the economy , it does not work !

user george | over 6 years ago

Well said holidaymaker, you have it correct. The INDEPENDENT tourist has left the island as private rentals are not allowed. Everywhere seems extremely quiet and the 1st June is this Friday. It is going to be a very short season.

user D | over 6 years ago

Well said holiday maker.

user Holidaymaker | over 6 years ago

The taxi drivers may have their government to thank for the downturn in business not the pirate taxis ? How many private rental passengers would have got a taxi from the airport in a season ? This business has now gone for good as hotels use coaches for their guests .

user Henry James | over 6 years ago

I stopped using taxis because of the sky-high fares,for the last three years,I have used the fast hopper service to and from the airport,it's much cheaper and almost as fast as a taxi.

user TC | over 6 years ago

After all the fuss about pirate taxis, extra buses, hire car saturation it hasn't seemed to limit the ever increasing number official taxis arriving at our taxi ranks. The industry would be appear to be booming but still it isn't enough. They are like a legitimate mafia wanting more and more. A law unto themselves. This is highlighted in the reckless way they bomb about our roads tailgating any poor elderly driver or unsuspecting tourist. Prosecutions? I don't think so.

user S. | over 6 years ago

Having used Taxi's in February, March and April this year. The fares for exactly the same distance , at the same time in the evening, have varied. Between €80 to €100 after rapid button pushing at my destination. The Taxi's were allocated by their controlling person at the Airport Taxi queue point. Of which I assume was a legitimate licensed Taxi. Not a Pirate Taxi , I assume, as I do not know where Pirate Taxi's operate from. Unless they mix into the legitimate Queue. The return Taxi's from the Urbanisation , charge €75 to €80. Welcome to Mallorca !!!!.

user Dave p | over 6 years ago

The Taxi rules are the same in lots of countries. For example a Leeds licenced taxi can't be flagged down in Manchester. If they could all he'll would break loose. On a Manchester football match day Taxis from all surrounding cities would decend on the city causing a traffic nightmare.

user George | over 6 years ago

Spain should realise that competition is healthy. Maybe this may make them modernise themselves. Why an airport taxi is not allowed to return from a resort where they have dropped off with clients who wish to go to the airport.This is a CRIME against the world as an empty taxi creates POLLUTION also a tourists who waves at a taxi to collect them but the taxi drives off and ignores them is increasingly confusing for a holiday maker and appears rude.