user northbound | over 6 years ago

Ultima Hora is reporting that five British protesters have been charged with a Hate Crime.

user D | over 6 years ago

And how long have I been reading about the local government harping on about reducing the tourist numbers in exchange for a better more sustainable number of tourist. This is ridiculous and I fully support the local residents in what they are doing. People seem to be to afraid to tell the government (that work for us) what is wrong in our society and on our beautiful island. Magaluf will have a bad reputation for years as nothing is done about the dirty criminals that are mugging the genuine holiday makers. If we’re not careful this will end up like the costas.

user Lawrie | over 6 years ago

No I didnt and no I dont.

user Rightwinger | over 6 years ago

Then to a man you all go on to say what a wonderful president Obama was and how dreadful Trumo is, when he is trying to do exactly the same thing you are advocating for the illegals in Magaluf.

user Henrietta | over 6 years ago

Political correctness ruining our Society. They have been able to denounce? They have not learnt anything except that their nightly behaviour of theft, attacking etc is accepted in our European society. They must ALL be laughing at us hardworking tax payers. Crime indeed does pay.I despair of how the thieves and bullies no longer come to justice but the innocent are victimised or sued. The same is happening in the UK. You defend yourself in your own home and you can be sued by the burglar and end up in jail.

user Carol wright | over 6 years ago

Thrives and mugging people and threatening with weapons!! If this was in my city they would be arrested and locked up. Clear up magaluf/palma nova once and for all. Intimidating evil scum

user Henry James | over 6 years ago

Did the police ask for the papers of any of these prostitutes that made denuncias to the police because if they were illegals,why were they not arrested and held pending deportation hearings.?

user Richard | over 6 years ago

Steve, I agree but again the law needs examining. The police here do a good job overall. But, I do admire the actions of the residents. Vigilantes tend to get a very bad press but how can you blame them? Unfortunately they might find themselves on the wrong side of the law soon, though, which is when things will really start hotting up. If residents are prepared to act even though they might face charges themselves, more power to them because it will keep this issue in the spotlight until someone cracks. I for one still fully support their actions. If I were younger and fitter I would be down there myself!

user Steve Riches | over 6 years ago

After years of continual harrassment by these women and the groups that control them - including brazen theft and physical assault on members of the general public - it's hardly surprising that in the face of police inactivity, people are trying to solve the problems for themselves.

user Lawrie | over 6 years ago

I'm afraid to say this is a race issue. "No rules for thieves" laments Sarah. Do you think for one minute a group of local Spanish women would be allowed to carry on like this group of scum? No not a chance. It's purely because they are black they are getting away with terrorising Magaluf. Political correctness is ruining western society.