user Dreampast | over 6 years ago

This isn’t a new problem! It’s been going on for as long as I can remember but it has escalated over the past few years! Over twenty years ago, I was approached by one of these ladies when I was walking with my Mum and ten year old daughter about 6pm in Magalluf-two Guarda Civil were standing chatting to shop keeper at the corner and a Carnationwas thrown in my face! Natural reaction as I thought she was trying to steal my daughter I punched the woman in the face and went into self defence mode pulling her thumb back and decking her on the pavement with my foot on her back-I had self defence lessons courtesy of the NHS! Four men came out screaming from nowhere butbavked off when my husband and a Father bothBig Men came to my aid the GC did nothing-sadly the Irish Police officer proves that corruption is rife in Mallorca! I wonder if he will ever see his money again! I doubt it! Don’t walk at might in Magalluf too dangerous

user Glenn | over 6 years ago

This is a plauge and if we allow these rats to breed and multiply we will be over run with them before we know it. (apologies, i can not call then human or women as they are neither)The government really do need to sit up and listen to this vile problem before an innocent life is lost. should not need to happen but maybe a consortium of hotel chains should withhold there tax payments until this is acknowledged and positively addressed, tourism will be lost along with the reputation this beautiful island has. Whilst i support and agree with them leaving this to vigilante groups is lethal and will only result in an innocent party ending up in a coffin or a cell.

user Theresa | over 6 years ago

Out of curiosity Ian which bar charged you €240

user holidaymaker | over 6 years ago

The authorities in Mallorca are burying their head in the sand. Tourists are now being put in a dangerouse position and i would imagine the Police in the resorts have a duty of care to tourists so I think its a matter of time before a tourist is murdered by the violent women thieves. Its a very clever game the thieves play as they operate within the law if they call themselves prostitutes .The thieves are outsmarting the police and the politicians . If the women are banished then there would be no reason for the mafia to exploit them if there were no financial gain so it would help the women thieves ?

user Carol wright | over 6 years ago

These so called prostitutes are thieves and muggers they steal your valuables and will use brute force if necessary some carry weapons they are not interested in sex they are after your money/watch/phone time magaluf was rid of these evil women and the authorities wake up and do something about it before it’s too late!

user James T | over 6 years ago

Many Mexican resorts are ghost towns now because organized crime was allowed to take control. Action needs to be taken in Mallorca before the same happens there.

user Zara | over 6 years ago

This whole business is so frustrating with these muggers, who have got more and more brazen. How can they grab men by their privates and not be charged with assault. Try and protest and you are in the wrong. Why cannot the drivers of vans who drop them off be arrested for running a gang of muggers. At night from my apartment overlooking beach very rarely see police but lots of drug dealing going on. I try not go out after dark in the summer.

user RBMM | over 6 years ago

The more their ways to operate is exposed in media, the more difficult it will be for them to continue. People will be more aware, and at one point in time local politicians will not be able to accept the damage they do to the image of the places where they operate.

user Dihatjum | over 6 years ago

Very rarely do you see or hear the word “prostitute” in the mainstream British media these days. They are referred to more and more frequently as “sex workers” - a much more friendly and cuddly term! That will be the next thing we see in Majorca the way these sad, mad, bad things are going ...

user Ian | over 6 years ago

We were out in September and my mate was robbed off his Gold Chain and they tried to rob his wallet, another crime which seems to go unreported is card crime,we got charged 240 euros for 3 drinks they added a 0 to bill, do not use card in Bars.