user mary | over 6 years ago

I am sure eveyone would welcome a bigger police presence that you see in other areas, for example in Cala Dor the guardia has a good sized force daily patrolling day & night. Lets hope that if they do bring in more police that these will actively "patrol" i.e. walk around as the only pilice I have ever seen in the area dont ever seem to leave the comfort and dafety of their car. They drive up & down the sea front in the daytime & sit in the car opposite papis, but rarely seen actually walking about which is what is needed.

user Dreampast | over 6 years ago

2018 NOTHING! has changed in Magalluf! I remember these thugs wandering the streets and mugging people for their wallets over 20 years ago! The local police should round them up and deport them back to their own country

user RBMM | over 6 years ago

With camera surveillance it would be much easier to convict such people. Media, politicians, etc much adhere to the presumption of innocence, i.e., that people are innocent unless proven guilty. Journalists, politicians, etc may think that the prostitutes discussed recently in MDB and elsewhere are thieves, but they are not supposed to voice such opinions.

user Cazzy M | over 6 years ago

Round the thieving muggers up arrest them then send them back to where they came. They are bringing the island into disrepute and people are scared to come to Mallorca for fear of being battered and having their valuables stolen!!!!

user Holidaymaker | over 6 years ago

Still not recognising the violent aggressive organised gangs of women and Still calling them prostitutes?? They must be laughing their heads off at the stupid loop hole in the law . They do not offer any services except grabbing men by their privates to get their wallets ? If I were to walk down the street and grab a man in this way I would be arrested for sexual assault? If I were to hang around the streets mugging people without being legally in the country I would be deported ? If I hadn’t witnessed the muggers myself and read the stories on here I would say it was a big joke !! The government are stopping football supporters later be music showing alcohol on store fronts banning bar crawls taxing everything possible to tax but if your a prostitute your ok in the eyes of the police and the government!!

user Glenn | over 6 years ago

Correct me if i'm wrong but does the picture of "busy doing nothing" that heads this article have a thumbs down painting on the wall? How apt..

user Luvmallorca | over 6 years ago

Such a shame that such a beautiful island should be tainted like this when the solution should be simple. Your economy is really going to suffer for this. Tourists are already down 7% on last year and that will only get worse if nothing significant is done to rid the streets of these thieves and muggers. Stop fudging the issue and sort it out.

user Mike ( Belgium ) | over 6 years ago

In the meantime the authorities will implement exaggerated crackdowns on big tv-screens,pubs , and other silly rules during the World Cup matches to make it safe Don't make me laugh, wrong focus

user Theresa | over 6 years ago

A sad day they still do not refer to them as “Violent, Aggressive Thugs”. Well sadly this is the end for Magaluf now - I feel sorry for the businesses and Melia whom have recently invested €millions. These gangs have been given the green light - you will see them spreading their operation wider now. A sad day. I would go to the meeting tomorrow but I know it will be just a waste of time as we will be told that these women have rights as they are forced into it ... absolute rubbish - thuggery is their job/trade and they are all laughing at the European population for their stupidity and gullibility.Someone will be killed soon.

user John P | over 6 years ago

A complete waste of time.Calvia politicians must have more meetings to “prove” they are doing something when in reality they are the most inept bunch of buck passing individuals possible.Why do they persist in saying “prostitues”?These women are violent organised thugs .Not even got a govt.delegate yet to pass any “concerns”to.If these people want another meeting it should be about the organised crime in Calvia and stop trying to be politically correct. Have the people at the meeting been to Magaluf and walked alone or in twos in the early morning hours and if not why not to experience these poor ,put on frightened “prostitues “ and to offer them help! Thought not.