user Steve Riches | over 6 years ago

The visiting tourists are responsible, directly or indirectly, for around 70% of this island's wealth. Why would anyone treat a treasured guest with contempt?

user Livewarpo | over 6 years ago

Get used to it. It will be worse with Brexit.

user Lawrie | over 6 years ago

When I was young my mother always told me "sticks and stones may break your bones but names will never hurt you". Everybody knows this you would think. I find it incredible these days that grown men can get upset by name calling. Grow a pair for goodness sake.

user Carl | over 6 years ago

If you want a real queue, try Orlando. Or Miami. Or LAX. Palma is moderately efficient!

user David Jones | over 6 years ago

S,you need to crawl back under your stone and take your racist and derogatory language with you.

user David Jones | over 6 years ago

Why do you allow S to continue to use racist and derogatory language in respect of the French.? Do you not monitor these comments.?

user Ged | over 6 years ago

I must admit the airport arrangements are one of the reasons I holiday elsewhere nowadays. Irrespective of who is to blame it really does take the shine of any holiday. I went to Nerja in March and will be going to Siena Italy in July. Two holidays that I would normally have visited Soller and Pollenca. So I'm doing my bit to lower the saturation of the island. I can recommend Nerja. Lovely place and not a sign of anti tourism anywhere !

user S. | over 6 years ago

What a complete diisgrace the Airport has become. Palma Handling and The Security Operation. Perhaps more problems will surface whe the Frogs and Spanish Controllers go on Strike. Great Holiday times---NOT.

user Stuart Mead | over 6 years ago

And you wonder why less brits go to your overpriced country.

user Justice to the people please . | over 6 years ago

So glad i won`t be going through that again .