user Steve Riches | over 6 years ago

Mmm - so it's €100 cheaper for me to walk naked up Punta Ballena than to sit there having a bottle of beer. Weird!

user Lawrie | over 6 years ago

Davy O, look on the bright side every last one of them, toddlers to pensioners, wear Celtic tops. That way we know exactly who and where to avoid.

user James | over 6 years ago

It's a start, BUT!: Is it just me, or does the bottom sign sound a little Monty Pythonish?

user Davy O | over 6 years ago

They need signs at that celtic bar in the square,santa ponsa.What a horrible place where families are encouraged to go.Drunks, foul language and shouts of ira constantly,Should be closed down,filthy disgusting people.

user Andy Rawson | over 6 years ago

They should have them in Senegalese and Nigerian. Then we could include drug dealing and robbery with violence amongst the fines.

user Ron | over 6 years ago

They forgot to add: 'walk on the cracks of the pavement' and 'go out with an offensive wife'.

user Theresa | over 6 years ago

These signs are a good idea. They should also be in every town in the UK on a busy Friday and Saturday night. Everyone has too realise our British behaviour mixed with alcohol in many cases is not pleasant. Well done Calvia and well done to Paul Melville and Nicky Smith who are working with the police and the Ayuntamiento. Remember everyone the bay of Magaluf is STUNNING. These signs are also going to be able to be used against the thieves etc as it is for locals as well as tourists.

user Liz | over 6 years ago

So it’s ok to mug someone aka prostitution, but you can be fined for having a drink in the street Only in Mallorca .....

user juan love | over 6 years ago

And why would the police actually enforce this, when they know full well that this behaviour is what attributes to thousands upon thousands of Euros to the island every year?If people were actually punished and reprimanded for actions such as this, it would appear far less appealing to the holidaymakers who spend so much money, and the island would lose a small fortune, and the locals can't have that can they?Far easier just to complain and moan about it without actually having to risk losing so much income from them.

user Phil | over 6 years ago

P.S sorry in Punta Ballena it was midnight till 1am