user camila | over 6 years ago

It seems that you do not understand tourism at all. First, MOST of the cruise ship passengers DO NOT have a meal outside of the ship. They may have a drink and a snack, but they always eat on the ship, (I know, I worked with them for many years). Sunday is a dead day in the center of Palma, the locals go to the beach with their families, why should restaurants stay open just for a tourist who only wants a sandwhich? Maybe you should work on Sunday too.

user Richard | over 6 years ago

Jason the People have Voted. Against Sunday Opening.

user Andy Rawson | over 6 years ago

The Bulletin staff like their Sunday's off. Some have Saturday's too.

user George | over 6 years ago

The inflexibility and old fashioned employment rules prevent businesses changing to opening on Sundays. Spain really does need to overhaul this area.

user Fiona | over 6 years ago

I served you all food and drink every Sunday for twenty years in a restaurant. So I suggest all restaurants close on Sundays also. You hypocrites who expect hospital and restaurant staff to work on Sundays. We are 2018 and a tourist island. You are all the old boring backward expatriates.

user Richard | over 6 years ago

Fiona I suggest you live somewhere else if you don’t care about social norms here.

user Stuart Mead | over 6 years ago

People have six days to shop. Why not let the overworked and underpaid staff have a day off. Unbelievable selfishness.

user Fiona | over 6 years ago

YES Palma should be open on a Sunday, plus the shopping centres, Ikea and the DIY stores.

user Henry James | over 6 years ago

You bring this subject up dozens of times a year,along with a few other pet subjects,move on to something original.. Do you work on Sunday.? Do you expect restaurants to be open on Sunday just because you might go into one of them.? Not many cruise passengers will go into restaurants on Sunday,having already had or paid for their meals on the ship.

user M Irving | over 6 years ago

Firstly Cruise ship passengers have limited interest in visiting local restaurants for ' full meals, as they have already paid for meals on board-they will however try local tapas/ snacks .if I was a restauranter I would go for Sunday/Monday off-with family especially if I had children- difficult balancing act . Latest demands of pedestrians in Palma -put your own house in order first !Learn to use crossings properly -you don't have given right to step out without looking.Town halls to paint yellow lines at crossings (some have) Teach pedestrians and now cyclists! How to use same!!