user James | over 6 years ago

David Jones ,well then they need to buck up don't they,they are snow flakes,most apparent racism isn't racism,its what one says today to shut a conversation down,'oh that's racist' no its never really racist and if people are obese or over weight they should be forced into losing weight,why not ridicule obese people?they have a platform today and think that its good looking to be obese,its not,they are deluded,snow flakes need to get a grip,its bad for their health to be over weight and you are saying I can't ridicule them for their stupidity?I bet you pat them on the back and tell them they look good,people like you are part if their problem, I bet you tell them kids that can't sing to enter x factor only to be taunted for not being able to sing when they are on the stage,you snowflakes are destroying society,do us a favour and shut ya face

user Henry James | over 6 years ago

And yesterday as well.?

user keith | over 6 years ago

Is there any particular reason we can not comment on any articles today ?

user David Jones | over 6 years ago

And,yes.Lawrie.names do hurt,they always have and always will,ask anyone who has endured racist or xenophobic taunts or been on the receiving end of comments about their appearance,size or a thousand and one other things,most of us have thankfully moved on as we have got older and matured,but clearly,not everyone.

user David Jones | over 6 years ago

That is probably because of the racist and derogatory language that you use in your comments,which there is no need for,you can make comments perfectly well without resorting to such language,whatever you choose to call it,it's no longer acceptable.

user S. | over 6 years ago

I am not allowed to comment. The Bulletin Controller of Comments deletes my views.

user S. | over 6 years ago

Thank you for your Viewpoint Comment Humphrey . I have constantly complained about the French ATC Strikes. Though there are those objectors to my Armed Forces description of the French. Every Season these controllers have lightening strikes. There were at least 7 last Summer. The Controllers know they can hold Europe to ransom, by striking, and grounding the whole of Europe. It is time for their Government to effect severe punishments, to stop this Seasonal Action.

user Henry James | over 6 years ago

Lawrie,my idea of hell would be lying on a beach anywhere,it was indeed,a figurative term. I don't drink either so never use pubs or clubs,I like to see places and take part in activities when I am on holiday but many tourists spend a lot of time on beaches or around pools and if that's what they want,fair play to them but they don't need to come to Majorca to do that.

user TG | over 6 years ago

There are no straight bananas in Brussels, that’s why the EU auditors have not signed off the accounts in the history of the EU.

user Lawrie | over 6 years ago

Ron, you didn't need to elaborate, I can be tongue in cheek as well. I own property on Mallorca and wouldn't dream of going to Blackpool. Went once a number of years ago, never again.