user Steve Riches | over 5 years ago

Given what I assume is a relatively low budget it's a watchable series lifted above mediocrity by excellent location shots. The best free advertising this island has had in years. Offer them any access they want to do another series after this's a no-brainer.

user E Weldon | over 5 years ago

Watching the series on BBC i-player -hmm! I’m enjoying the scenery and placing the scenes locations on the island - wooden acting and terrible camera work - needs to be more exciting and plausible but I’m enjoying seeing my summer home and I only wish the roads were empty like the programme!!! If only we could enjoy the beautiful coastal roads

user Roy | over 5 years ago

Scenery Gorgeous Story line Outrageous Ham acting must try harder .Could be a good series with better direction and Scripts . Come on BBC licence payers deserve better

user Britbabe | over 5 years ago

I´m still yawning . . . . . .

user Julie | over 5 years ago

I was not impressed with the first episode and actually didn't understand the plot?. Let's see if there is an improvement today. I seriously would not bother to watch this if if wasn't for the fact that it was filmed in Mallorca. I found the quality of the picture and sound was terrible.

user Tony Smith | over 5 years ago

I would say the first episode was 'middle of the road'. However, I will give it a chance and continue watching. My wife first question was "did you spot anywhere we know". Which i guess does add another dimension whilst viewing.

user Stan | over 5 years ago

There were scenes of Mallorca that I did not know existed. I would like to see a program ststing where some scenes were shot. The obvious scenes e.g. The Airport were very well done. The sound track and actors mumbling spoiled the continuity of the story and plots.

user Fred. | over 5 years ago

I do not normally watch murder type programs. This was typical of their depressing content. On some scenes the soundtrack was very poor and indefineable to understand. After all the Hype in the Bulletin etc. This series has not met expectations.

user John Parkinson | over 5 years ago

Truly awful.For those old enough it makes the acting on Crossroads look Oscar standard. Should be taken off immediately as an embarrassment.

user Barbara A | over 5 years ago

Absolutely dreadful. What an anti-climax.