user Eva Taylor | over 4 years ago

I have residencia in Majorca and it is my main home.. I spend a few months a year in the winter on mainland Spain, here in a campsite in the area of Murcia. I was informed that we couldn’t travel out of the Murcia area because of lockdown. I need to get back to Majorca by car and on the ferry from Denia. However this would mean I need to pass into the Valencia area to do this. Can I travel between these two areas ?

user Nigel | over 4 years ago

I think we are entering the period of "You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time"I am just glad I am not in hospital in ICU. Long may it last.

user Zoe | over 4 years ago

@Mark Badoer , I agree with part of your comment. I also believe the lock down in Spain is too strict, as other countries with less draconian measure have done just well if not better, but even those countries have stopped foreign and even internal travel to 2nd homes (UK government currently considering this as well). Some of the measures in Spain is almost irrational , why a couple who share a home cannot travel in a same car? I really could not see any logic , or why people could not go out for a walk providing they observe physical distancing ? After all the same people go into a small supermarket and probably are closer to each other than the 2 meters. Plus many medical expert now believe that the stress of keeping people in is a contributory factor to lower immune system and being more susceptible to any ailment.

user Michael | over 4 years ago

Is there anyway of obtaining these investors contact details as I would be happy to purchase their properties at, say, 50p in the £ is they want to move some risk my way?Investors ALWAYS return!

user lizz | over 4 years ago

These people are arrogant and stupid, do they not realise Spain has one of the highest death rates from this virus. Why should airport and airline staff risk their lives just so these people can visit their holiday homes. Why should the people of Mallorca risk an escalation of the outbreak, it’s madness. I have a holiday home and have accepted that it will not be possible to return to Mallorca until it is safe for all concerned.

user Lizz | over 4 years ago

These people are arrogant fools. They obviously care nothing for the safety of locals or the safety of airline and airport staff. We have a home in Mallorca but realise that the safety of everyone must be considered before tourists return to Mallorca.

user Colin Ollcars | over 4 years ago

I doubt that the government’s response will satisfy the inherent German belief that in europe they must be allowed to do absolutely anything they want, when they want and how they want.

user Brian Ham | over 4 years ago

When Germany has zero cases, let them return. They are obviously come from areas with a high chance of infection and are trying to escape. Problem is, if they got infected in the few days before they come

user Nick Hurry | over 4 years ago

What a load of idiots!

user Nacho | over 4 years ago

The residents of Majorca deserve great plaudits for their steadfast actions during this lockdown. These "investors" however reek of self interest and arrogance.